Another Brooklyn


Jacqueline Woodson

Friendship, Womanhood, and Support Theme Analysis

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In Another Brooklyn, Jacqueline Woodson examines the importance of interpersonal connection, paying special attention to the way friendship helps August navigate the transition from girlhood to womanhood. Because August’s mother is dead and her father is preoccupied by his religion, she sorely lacks parental guidance. For this reason, August turns to Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi: forming a close bond with them helps not only take her mind off her grief, but August also feel less alone as she confronts the often unnerving experience of coming of age as a young woman in 1970s Brooklyn. She and her friends do their best to avoid the inappropriate sexual attention that older men give them as their bodies develop, relating to one another and sharing advice about how to steer clear of unwanted sexual encounters. And yet, there’s unfortunately only so much they can do as young women to stay safe, especially since the environment in which they grow up tacitly condones their premature sexualization by failing to properly address the fact that young and old men alike pressure, objectify, and even abuse them. In this regard, Another Brooklyn is also a study of the limits of friendship, effectively demonstrating that—though strong bonds between young women are deeply important—even the closest relationships can’t always make up for broader societal problems.

Woodson frames female friendship as deeply empowering and vital to August’s development. Perhaps the most important impact that August’s relationships with Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi have on her life is the uplifting effect their connection has on her overall outlook. Before becoming friends with them, August sits inside all day staring out the window and longing for a sense of connection. This is because her parents are largely uninvolved in her life: her mother is dead (or, according to August, living elsewhere) and her father is busy with work and his religion. Accordingly, joining Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi’s friend group gives August a sense of belonging. More importantly, though, her friendship with these girls gives her confidence as she moves into adolescence: for instance, when boys call out to August and her friends, they aren’t afraid to rebuff them without caring what they think. “The four of us together weren’t something they understood,” August notes. “They understood girls alone, folding their arms across their breasts, praying for invisibility.” This suggests that August might feel insecure if she faced these boys on her own, craving an “invisibility” that would help her escape their attention. With her friends, though, she feels emboldened and powerful, confident enough to simply walk away from boys she’s not interested in. In this way, female friendship emerges as a source of power and agency. 

In addition to lending the girls a sense of empowerment, their communal friendship affords them something even more practical: a support network of sorts. The older they get and the more their bodies develop, the more often they find themselves the subjects of unwanted sexual attention. Because of this, they give each other advice about which men to avoid, sharing their experiences so they can steer clear of dangerous, undesirable situations. For example, they tell each other to take somebody with them when they go to a certain shoe repair shop, where the proprietor tries to look up young girls’ dresses and offers them money to see their underwear. Similarly, Gigi warns her friends about joining their church choirs, telling them that her pastor often appears behind her while she’s singing and presses his penis against her back. With this in mind, readers see the practical value of companionship, as August tangibly benefits from her group of friends and the network they’ve formed—a network that almost makes up for her lack of parental guidance or protection.

Unfortunately, though, August and her friends aren’t always capable of protecting one another. This becomes painfully evident when a heroin addict living under Gigi’s stairwell rapes her, and though the girls urge her to carry razorblades so she can slash him the next time he comes near, what’s harrowingly obvious is that they live in an environment that does very little to keep women safe. To that end, Gigi admits that she can’t even tell her mother about what happened because she knows her mother will say it was her fault. This, in turn, is symptomatic of the larger problem facing the girls, which isn’t that they’re unable to protect each other, but that they would ever have to try to protect each other the first place. They live in a world that looks away when older men subject them to uncomfortable experiences, a world in which 12-year-old girls are blamed for their own rapes. In the absence of support from adults or society at large, then, August and her friends turn to one another, but this is an imperfect solution because friendship can only do so much to address a cultural lack of respect for women and their safety. Consequently, Another Brooklyn is a novel that simultaneously celebrates the empowering qualities of female friendship while also lamenting that these bonds are often the only resources available to women facing objectification and violence.

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Friendship, Womanhood, and Support Quotes in Another Brooklyn

Below you will find the important quotes in Another Brooklyn related to the theme of Friendship, Womanhood, and Support.
Chapter 1 Quotes

Somehow, my brother and I grew up motherless yet halfway whole. My brother had the faith my father brought him to, and for a long time, I had Sylvia, Angela, and Gigi, the four of us sharing the weight of growing up Girl in Brooklyn, as though it was a bag of stones we passed among ourselves saying, Here. Help me carry this.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela, August’s Father, August’s Brother, August’s Mother
Page Number: 3
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Chapter 4 Quotes

The woman had staggered to the corner, grabbing for the stop sign and missing it before disappearing around the corner.

How were we to learn our way on this journey without my mother?

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela, August’s Mother, Angela’s Mother
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 5 Quotes

What keeps keeping us here? Gigi asked one day, the rain coming down hard, her shirt torn at the shoulder. We didn’t know that for weeks and weeks, the lock had been broken on her building’s front door. We didn’t know about the soldier who kept behind the darkened basement stairwell, how he had waited for her in shadow. We were twelve.

I can’t tell anybody but you guys, Gigi said. My mom will say it was my fault.

Related Characters: Gigi (speaker), August, Sylvia, Angela
Page Number: 57
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Chapter 6 Quotes

In 1968, the children of Biafra were starving. My brother was not yet born and I was too young to understand what it meant to be a child, to be Biafran, to starve. Biafra was a country that lived only inside my mother’s admonitions—Eat your peas, there are children starving in Biafra—and in the empty-eyed, brown, big-bellied children moving across my parents’ television screen. But long after Biafra melted back into Nigeria, the country from which it had fought so hard to secede, the faces and swollen bellies of those children haunted me. In a pile of old magazines my father kept on our kitchen table in Brooklyn, I found a copy of Life with two genderless children on the cover and the words STARVING CHILDREN OF BIAFRA WAR blared across the ragged white garment of the taller child.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Brother, August’s Mother
Page Number: 65
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Chapter 7 Quotes

When boys called our names, we said, Don’t even say my name. Don’t even put it in your mouth. When they said, You ugly anyway, we knew they were lying. When they hollered, Conceited! We said, No—convinced! We watched them dip-walk away, too young to know how to respond. The four of us together weren’t something they understood. They understood girls alone, folding their arms across their breasts, praying for invisibility.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, Gigi, Angela
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:

I watched my brother watch the world, his sharp, too-serious brow furrowing down in both angst and wonder. Everywhere we looked, we saw the people trying to dream themselves out. As though there was someplace other than this place. As though there was another Brooklyn.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Brother, August’s Mother
Page Number: 77
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Chapter 8 Quotes

My brother had discovered math, the wonder of numbers, the infinite doubtless possibility. He sat on his bed most days solving problems no eight-year-old should understand. Squared, he said, is absolute. No one in the world can argue algebra or geometry. No one can say pi is wrong.

Come with me, I begged.

But my brother looked up from his numbers and said, She’s gone, August. It’s absolute.

Related Characters: August (speaker), August’s Brother (speaker), August’s Mother
Page Number: 84
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I prayed that my own brain, fuzzy with clouded memory, would settle into a clarity that helped me to understand the feeling I got when I pressed my lips against my new boyfriend, Jerome, his shaking hands searching my body.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sister Loretta, Jerome
Page Number: 95
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Chapter 13 Quotes

When you’re fifteen, the world collapses in a moment, different from when you’re eight and you learn that your mother walked into water—and kept on walking.

When you’re fifteen, you can’t make promises of a return to the before place. Your aging eyes tell a different, truer story.

Related Characters: August (speaker), Sylvia, August’s Mother, Jerome
Page Number: 150
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