

Tim Winton

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Bruce Character Analysis

Bruce Pike is the narrator and protagonist of Breath. Looking back from middle age, he tells the story of his adolescence in the 1970s, in the rugged coastal countryside of Western Australia. An only child with strict older parents, Bruce has a solitary childhood until he meets the raucous daredevil Loonie. Quickly becoming best friends, the two egg each other on in reckless stunts, eventually leading to them experimenting with surfing (against Bruce’s parents’ rules). At this point, the enigmatic 36-year-old surfing legend Sando takes the boys under his wing, driving them to ever greater and more death-defying feats of athletic lunacy. Almost from its inception, Bruce’s surfing passion becomes a means to prove his worth to both himself and his companions. It also swiftly fosters his addiction to the adrenaline rush of transgressive, life-risking activities—something that will haunt him throughout his life, as his relationship with Eva and his account of his subsequent addictions in the epilogue make clear. Yet these extremist tendencies in Bruce, both in thrill-seeking and in self-imposed expectations of extraordinariness, exist in tension with the meditative, poetic side of his nature. The first impression surfing makes on him is “[h]ow strange it was to see men doing something beautiful,” and it is to the sport’s “pointless and elegant” grace that he ultimately returns in middle age, having overcome his compulsion to excel. Bruce’s thoughtful side, evident in the lyrical language of his narrative, sets him off from Loonie, whose bravado stamps out whatever reflective impulse he might have had. Being around Loonie’s audacity was perhaps necessary to break Bruce out of the shell of more-or-less complacent introversion in which he had lived before meeting him, but the effect is too strong, and Bruce spends much of his life trying to regain an equilibrium. All in all, Bruce’s poetic side separates him from normal people as much as his extremist intensity does, and his culminating realization that “Maybe ordinary’s not so bad” perhaps reflects his painful awareness that “ordinary” does not come to him naturally.

Bruce Quotes in Breath

The Breath quotes below are all either spoken by Bruce or refer to Bruce. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ordinary vs. Extraordinary Theme Icon
Pages 1-37 Quotes

I take a piss, put the kettle on and snatch the didj up off the seagrass matting of the floor. Out on the balcony my herbs are green and upright. I tamp down the beeswax around the pipe mouth and clear my throat. Then I blow until it burns. I blow at the brutalist condos that stand between me and the beach. I blow at the gulls eating pizza down in the carpark and the wind goes through me in cycles, hot and droning and defiant. Hot at the pale sky. Hot at the flat, bright world outside.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Related Symbols: Breath
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

That was the first of many such days and we were friends and rivals from then on. It was the beginning of something. We scared people, pushing each other harder and further until often as not we scared ourselves.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:

I couldn’t have put words to it as a boy, but later I understood what seized my imagination that day. How strange it was to see men do something beautiful. Something pointless and elegant, as though nobody saw or cared.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:

I leant across the wall of upstanding water and the board came with me as though it was part of my body and mind. The blur of spray. The billion shards of light. I remember the solitary watching figure on the beach and the flash of Loonie’s smile as I flew by; I was intoxicated. And though I’ve lived to be an old man with my own share of happiness for all the mess I made, I still judge every joyous moment, every victory and revelation against those few seconds of living.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 35
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 37-78 Quotes

More than once since then I’ve wondered whether the life-threatening high jinks that Loonie and I and Sando and Eva got up to in the years of my adolescence were anything more than a rebellion against the monotony of drawing breath.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando, Eva
Related Symbols: Breath
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:

Nothing would have made me own up to this at the time but I actually liked being in school. There was a soothing dullness in the classroom, a calm in which part of me thrived. Could be it was the orderly home I grew up in, the safety of always knowing what came next.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Bruce’s Father , Bruce’s Mother
Page Number: 55
Explanation and Analysis:

There was something about Sando that wasn’t settled. He wasn’t fixed like my father, and intrigued as I was I found this aspect of him confusing to the point of anxiety. It was as though he wasn’t quite as old as he looked, as if he hadn’t yet finished with himself.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando, Bruce’s Father
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:

That eye, said Loonie, was like a fuckin hole in the universe.

It was as close as he got to poetry. I envied him the moment and the story that went with it.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie (speaker)
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:

Was I serious? Could I do something gnarly, or was I just ordinary? I’ll bet my life that despite his scorn Loonie was doing likewise. We didn’t know it yet, but we’d already imagined ourselves into a different life, another society, a state for which no raw boy has either words or experience to describe. Our minds had already gone out to meet it and we’d left the ordinary in our wake.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 78-118 Quotes

I have no doubt that in a later era he’d have been seen as reckless and foolhardy, yet when you consider the period and the sorts of activities that schools and governments sanctioned, Sando’s excursions seem like small beer. We could have been staying back at school as army cadets, learning to fire mortars and machine-guns, to lay booby traps and to kill strangers in hand-to-hand combat like other boys we knew, in preparation for a manhood that could barely credit the end of the war in Vietnam. Sando appealed to one set of boyish fantasies and the state exploited others. Eva was right – we were Sando’s wide-eyed disciples – but in the sixties and seventies when we were kids there were plenty of other cults to join, cults abounding.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando, Eva
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:

I am chicken, I said.

Oh, fuck, said Sando. Everyone’s a chicken. That’s why we do this silly shit.

You reckon?

Yeah, to face it down, mate. To feel it, eat it. And shit it out with a big hallelujah.

He laughed. And I laughed because he did, to hide my fear.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando (speaker), Loonie , Eva
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

I shat meself, I said. I took the worst floggin. I freaked.

But he did the deed, said Sando. Made himself a little bit of history.

It took me a moment to absorb what he’d said. For if Sando was the first to have ridden Old Smoky, then I was surely the youngest. I could see Loonie thinking it through right there in front of me. He flapped the soggy hems of his jeans. The gesture was nonchalant, but I knew him better than that.

Your time’ll come, said Sando.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 100-101
Explanation and Analysis:

For the past few months I’d been an outrider, a trailblazer, and the excitement and strangeness of it had changed me. There was such an intoxicating power to be had from doing things that no one else dared try. But once we started talking about the Nautilus I got the creeping sense that I’d begun something I didn’t know how to finish.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 117-118
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 118-161 Quotes

It was like seeing the familiar world at a twofold remove, from another time as much as another direction, for it felt that I was in an outpost of a different era. It wasn’t only the colonial buildings around me that gave me such a sense, but also the land they were built on. Each headstone and every gnarled grasstree spoke of a past forever present, ever-pressing, and for the first time in my life I began to feel, plain as gravity, not only was life short, but there had been so much of it.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 119
Explanation and Analysis:

I had the sudden and perilous urge to touch her. I wanted to feel her ruined knee and I didn’t know why. I reached out.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva, Margaret Myers
Page Number: 139
Explanation and Analysis:

Loonie and Sando planned new assaults on the Nautilus using shorter boards – two only – shaped for the purpose. We never broached the subject of whether I’d accompany them. God knows, I should have been relieved, but I was inconsolable. I knew any reasonable person would have done what I did out there that day. Which was exactly the problem: I was, after all, ordinary.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando
Page Number: 149
Explanation and Analysis:

And he’s takin you to Java, I said

Who told you that?

Eva, I said with a hot flash of satisfaction.

He grunted and rolled himself a fag and I realized we were no longer friends. At the intersection, where the pub loomed over the servo across the road, we each veered in our own direction without even saying goodbye. Neither of us could have known that we’d never meet again.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie (speaker), Sando, Eva
Page Number: 159
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 161-202 Quotes

When I looked at girls now I compared them to Eva – the shape of their legs, the skinniness of their arms, the way they sheltered their breasts with their shoulders. Their perfumes smelt sugary as cordial. I hated all their rattly plastic bangles, and the way they plastered their zits with prosthetic-pink goo and chewed their lips when they thought no one was looking. Unless every single one of them was lying, they were all going out with older blokes, guys with cars and jobs, men who liked their peroxided fringes and bought them stuff. They suddenly looked so … ordinary.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva
Page Number: 167
Explanation and Analysis:

No, Eva was not ordinary. And neither was the form of consolation she preferred. Given my time over I would not do it all again. People talk such a storm of crap about the things they’ve done, had done to them. The deluded bullshit I’ve endured in circled chairs on lino floors. She had no business doing what she did, but I’m through hating and blaming. People are fools, not monsters.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva
Page Number: 172-173
Explanation and Analysis:

I understand you, Pikelet. And I understand Sando. But he’s never had anything precious taken away.

Eva —

But you, she said taking my hand. You’re different. I can see it in your face. You’ve got this look. Like you’re expecting to lose something – everything – every moment.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva (speaker)
Page Number: 189
Explanation and Analysis:

Man, what a disappointment he turned out to be.

I spose.

Mate, I thought he was the real deal, y’know? The man not-ordinary.

Maybe ordinary’s not so bad, I offered.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 203-218 Quotes

I started, despite myself, to fool with electricity. A couple of times I came to on the tile floor at work, down beneath the sinks and benches where the odours of agar and disinfectant and formaldehyde brewed like some obscene secret, and the return of consciousness brought with it a sad blankness like the lingering melancholy after sex.

I didn’t understand this behaviour. I had no special interest in electricity. Granted, it’s a potent, tangible presence in a world that’s cast off presences. It was just a moment of righteous sensation, like a blow to the head. It knocked me down. It hurt like hell. But it was something I could feel.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva
Page Number: 207
Explanation and Analysis:

There are nights like last night when you’re always going to be too late, where you’re just holding people’s hands. I tried not to take it personally but it set me back, that call-out to the burbs. Just a rush of wind from the past, like a window momentarily slid aside. I know the difference between teenage suicide and a fatal abundance of confidence. I know what a boy looks like when he’s strangled himself for fun.

I blow the didj until it hurts, until my lips are numb, until some old lady across the way gives me the finger.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Related Symbols: Breath
Page Number: 216
Explanation and Analysis:

They probably don’t understand this, but it’s important for me to show them that their father is a man who dances – who saves lives and carries the wounded, yes, but who also does something completely pointless and beautiful, and in this at least he should need no explanation.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 218
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bruce Quotes in Breath

The Breath quotes below are all either spoken by Bruce or refer to Bruce. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ordinary vs. Extraordinary Theme Icon
Pages 1-37 Quotes

I take a piss, put the kettle on and snatch the didj up off the seagrass matting of the floor. Out on the balcony my herbs are green and upright. I tamp down the beeswax around the pipe mouth and clear my throat. Then I blow until it burns. I blow at the brutalist condos that stand between me and the beach. I blow at the gulls eating pizza down in the carpark and the wind goes through me in cycles, hot and droning and defiant. Hot at the pale sky. Hot at the flat, bright world outside.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Related Symbols: Breath
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

That was the first of many such days and we were friends and rivals from then on. It was the beginning of something. We scared people, pushing each other harder and further until often as not we scared ourselves.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:

I couldn’t have put words to it as a boy, but later I understood what seized my imagination that day. How strange it was to see men do something beautiful. Something pointless and elegant, as though nobody saw or cared.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:

I leant across the wall of upstanding water and the board came with me as though it was part of my body and mind. The blur of spray. The billion shards of light. I remember the solitary watching figure on the beach and the flash of Loonie’s smile as I flew by; I was intoxicated. And though I’ve lived to be an old man with my own share of happiness for all the mess I made, I still judge every joyous moment, every victory and revelation against those few seconds of living.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 35
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 37-78 Quotes

More than once since then I’ve wondered whether the life-threatening high jinks that Loonie and I and Sando and Eva got up to in the years of my adolescence were anything more than a rebellion against the monotony of drawing breath.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando, Eva
Related Symbols: Breath
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:

Nothing would have made me own up to this at the time but I actually liked being in school. There was a soothing dullness in the classroom, a calm in which part of me thrived. Could be it was the orderly home I grew up in, the safety of always knowing what came next.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Bruce’s Father , Bruce’s Mother
Page Number: 55
Explanation and Analysis:

There was something about Sando that wasn’t settled. He wasn’t fixed like my father, and intrigued as I was I found this aspect of him confusing to the point of anxiety. It was as though he wasn’t quite as old as he looked, as if he hadn’t yet finished with himself.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando, Bruce’s Father
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:

That eye, said Loonie, was like a fuckin hole in the universe.

It was as close as he got to poetry. I envied him the moment and the story that went with it.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie (speaker)
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:

Was I serious? Could I do something gnarly, or was I just ordinary? I’ll bet my life that despite his scorn Loonie was doing likewise. We didn’t know it yet, but we’d already imagined ourselves into a different life, another society, a state for which no raw boy has either words or experience to describe. Our minds had already gone out to meet it and we’d left the ordinary in our wake.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 78-118 Quotes

I have no doubt that in a later era he’d have been seen as reckless and foolhardy, yet when you consider the period and the sorts of activities that schools and governments sanctioned, Sando’s excursions seem like small beer. We could have been staying back at school as army cadets, learning to fire mortars and machine-guns, to lay booby traps and to kill strangers in hand-to-hand combat like other boys we knew, in preparation for a manhood that could barely credit the end of the war in Vietnam. Sando appealed to one set of boyish fantasies and the state exploited others. Eva was right – we were Sando’s wide-eyed disciples – but in the sixties and seventies when we were kids there were plenty of other cults to join, cults abounding.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando, Eva
Page Number: 88
Explanation and Analysis:

I am chicken, I said.

Oh, fuck, said Sando. Everyone’s a chicken. That’s why we do this silly shit.

You reckon?

Yeah, to face it down, mate. To feel it, eat it. And shit it out with a big hallelujah.

He laughed. And I laughed because he did, to hide my fear.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando (speaker), Loonie , Eva
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

I shat meself, I said. I took the worst floggin. I freaked.

But he did the deed, said Sando. Made himself a little bit of history.

It took me a moment to absorb what he’d said. For if Sando was the first to have ridden Old Smoky, then I was surely the youngest. I could see Loonie thinking it through right there in front of me. He flapped the soggy hems of his jeans. The gesture was nonchalant, but I knew him better than that.

Your time’ll come, said Sando.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 100-101
Explanation and Analysis:

For the past few months I’d been an outrider, a trailblazer, and the excitement and strangeness of it had changed me. There was such an intoxicating power to be had from doing things that no one else dared try. But once we started talking about the Nautilus I got the creeping sense that I’d begun something I didn’t know how to finish.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 117-118
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 118-161 Quotes

It was like seeing the familiar world at a twofold remove, from another time as much as another direction, for it felt that I was in an outpost of a different era. It wasn’t only the colonial buildings around me that gave me such a sense, but also the land they were built on. Each headstone and every gnarled grasstree spoke of a past forever present, ever-pressing, and for the first time in my life I began to feel, plain as gravity, not only was life short, but there had been so much of it.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 119
Explanation and Analysis:

I had the sudden and perilous urge to touch her. I wanted to feel her ruined knee and I didn’t know why. I reached out.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva, Margaret Myers
Page Number: 139
Explanation and Analysis:

Loonie and Sando planned new assaults on the Nautilus using shorter boards – two only – shaped for the purpose. We never broached the subject of whether I’d accompany them. God knows, I should have been relieved, but I was inconsolable. I knew any reasonable person would have done what I did out there that day. Which was exactly the problem: I was, after all, ordinary.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie , Sando
Page Number: 149
Explanation and Analysis:

And he’s takin you to Java, I said

Who told you that?

Eva, I said with a hot flash of satisfaction.

He grunted and rolled himself a fag and I realized we were no longer friends. At the intersection, where the pub loomed over the servo across the road, we each veered in our own direction without even saying goodbye. Neither of us could have known that we’d never meet again.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Loonie (speaker), Sando, Eva
Page Number: 159
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 161-202 Quotes

When I looked at girls now I compared them to Eva – the shape of their legs, the skinniness of their arms, the way they sheltered their breasts with their shoulders. Their perfumes smelt sugary as cordial. I hated all their rattly plastic bangles, and the way they plastered their zits with prosthetic-pink goo and chewed their lips when they thought no one was looking. Unless every single one of them was lying, they were all going out with older blokes, guys with cars and jobs, men who liked their peroxided fringes and bought them stuff. They suddenly looked so … ordinary.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva
Page Number: 167
Explanation and Analysis:

No, Eva was not ordinary. And neither was the form of consolation she preferred. Given my time over I would not do it all again. People talk such a storm of crap about the things they’ve done, had done to them. The deluded bullshit I’ve endured in circled chairs on lino floors. She had no business doing what she did, but I’m through hating and blaming. People are fools, not monsters.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva
Page Number: 172-173
Explanation and Analysis:

I understand you, Pikelet. And I understand Sando. But he’s never had anything precious taken away.

Eva —

But you, she said taking my hand. You’re different. I can see it in your face. You’ve got this look. Like you’re expecting to lose something – everything – every moment.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva (speaker)
Page Number: 189
Explanation and Analysis:

Man, what a disappointment he turned out to be.

I spose.

Mate, I thought he was the real deal, y’know? The man not-ordinary.

Maybe ordinary’s not so bad, I offered.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Sando (speaker), Loonie
Page Number: 200
Explanation and Analysis:
Pages 203-218 Quotes

I started, despite myself, to fool with electricity. A couple of times I came to on the tile floor at work, down beneath the sinks and benches where the odours of agar and disinfectant and formaldehyde brewed like some obscene secret, and the return of consciousness brought with it a sad blankness like the lingering melancholy after sex.

I didn’t understand this behaviour. I had no special interest in electricity. Granted, it’s a potent, tangible presence in a world that’s cast off presences. It was just a moment of righteous sensation, like a blow to the head. It knocked me down. It hurt like hell. But it was something I could feel.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker), Eva
Page Number: 207
Explanation and Analysis:

There are nights like last night when you’re always going to be too late, where you’re just holding people’s hands. I tried not to take it personally but it set me back, that call-out to the burbs. Just a rush of wind from the past, like a window momentarily slid aside. I know the difference between teenage suicide and a fatal abundance of confidence. I know what a boy looks like when he’s strangled himself for fun.

I blow the didj until it hurts, until my lips are numb, until some old lady across the way gives me the finger.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Related Symbols: Breath
Page Number: 216
Explanation and Analysis:

They probably don’t understand this, but it’s important for me to show them that their father is a man who dances – who saves lives and carries the wounded, yes, but who also does something completely pointless and beautiful, and in this at least he should need no explanation.

Related Characters: Bruce (speaker)
Page Number: 218
Explanation and Analysis: