

Stephen King

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Miss Charlotte Evelyn-Hyde Character Analysis

Miss Charlotte Evelyn-Hyde is a character in Paul Sheldon’s Misery’s Return. Miss Evelyn-Hyde, a young woman from a nearby town, was presumed dead and buried, only for the townsfolk to discover later that she was still alive. After waking from her trancelike state, Miss Evelyn-Hyde died trying to dig herself out of the grave. Dr. Shinebone offhandedly mentions Miss Evelyn-Hyde during Misery’s autopsy, implying that a similar situation has occurred in Misery’s case.
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Miss Charlotte Evelyn-Hyde Character Timeline in Misery

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Charlotte Evelyn-Hyde appears in Misery. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2, Chapters 1-6
Addiction, Compulsion, and Obsession Theme Icon
Fiction, Reality, and Coping Theme Icon
...examining Misery’s body, old Dr. Shinebone remarked that the situation was “not a bit like Miss Evelyn-Hyde .” This strangeness amplifies Geoffrey’s doubt and spurs him onward to Mrs. Ramage’s cottage. (full context)
Addiction, Compulsion, and Obsession Theme Icon
Fiction, Reality, and Coping Theme Icon
...disheveled appearance. He has obviously re-injured himself on the ride over. He asks her who Miss Evelyn-Hyde is, and Mrs. Ramage realizes what she already intuitively knew. Exclaiming that Misery has been... (full context)
Fiction, Reality, and Coping Theme Icon
Suffering, Justice, and the Human Condition Theme Icon
...church graveyard. She realizes now that neither Geoffrey nor Ian had been in town when Miss Evelyn-Hyde was found dead in her yard in the neighboring village. Two doctors, including Dr. Shinebone,... (full context)
Part 2, Chapters 7-17
Addiction, Compulsion, and Obsession Theme Icon
Fiction, Reality, and Coping Theme Icon
Control and Entrapment Theme Icon
...inspiration and shouts for Annie. Once in his chair, Paul handwrites his epiphany: Misery and Miss Evelyn-Hyde are long-lost sisters with the same allergy. Annie seems in awe of Paul’s creative process.... (full context)