Sofia Petrovna


Lydia Chukovskaya

Sofia Petrovna

The novel’s protagonist, Sofia Petrovna is a woman living in Leningrad with her son, Kolya. After her husband dies, she finds a job as a typist at a local publishing house, wanting to ensure… read analysis of Sofia Petrovna


A young man studying mechanical engineering, Kolya is Sofia Petrovna’s son. He’s a confident and idealistic person who loves designing machines and working with his best friend, Alik, to solve problems. He’s a… read analysis of Kolya

Natasha Frolenko

Natasha is a young woman who works as a typist at the publishing house with Sofia Petrovna. Sofia takes a liking to Natasha because of her flawless typing skills, diligent work ethic, and kind… read analysis of Natasha Frolenko

Alik Finkelstein

Alik Finkelstein is Kolya’s best friend. Like Kolya, he’s studying to become a mechanical engineer. He looks up to Kolya and promises Sofia that he’ll keep her son safe when they travel to another… read analysis of Alik Finkelstein

Mrs. Kiparisova

Mrs. Kiparisova is a family friend of Sofia Petrovna’s. Her husband is a doctor who was close colleagues with Sofia’s husband, Fyodor Ivanovich. Sofia is shocked to learn one evening that Dr. Kiparisovread analysis of Mrs. Kiparisova
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The Director (Zakharov)

Zakharov is the director of the publishing house where Sofia works as a senior typist. An affable man in his mid-thirties, he shows Sofia kindness and strikes her as a very impressive, respectable person. She’s… read analysis of The Director (Zakharov)

Comrade Timofeyev

Comrade Timofeyev works at the publishing house as the party secretary, serving as an official representative of the Communist Party. Alongside Anna Grigorievna (the chairman of the trade union), he orchestrates the firing of theread analysis of Comrade Timofeyev

Anna Grigorievna

Anna Grigorievna is the chairman of the Mestkom, which is the local trade union. Severe and unrelenting, she works at the publishing house with the ostensible goal of advocating for the workers’ rights. And… read analysis of Anna Grigorievna

Erna Semyonovna

Erna Semyonovna is a woman who works in the typing pool at the publishing house. Sofia Petrovna dislikes her because she makes so many mistakes, but Erna Semyonovna has a security clearance, which means that… read analysis of Erna Semyonovna

The Nurse

The nurse is one of the tenants living in the same communal apartment as Sofia Petrovna. She’s outwardly hostile toward Sofia in the aftermath of Kolya’s arrest, claiming that Sofia can’t be trusted… read analysis of The Nurse

The Director’s Wife

Sophia Petrovna encounters the wife of the former director of the publishing house while waiting in line at the prosecutor’s one day. The director’s wife explains that her husband has been sent to a remote… read analysis of The Director’s Wife

Sashka Yartsev

Sashka Yartsev is a young man with whom Kolya went to school. Kolya has never liked Sashka, who insulted Alik Finkelstein one day at school by calling him an anti-Semitic name. The Komsomol decided to… read analysis of Sashka Yartsev
Minor Characters
Degtyarenko’s Wife
Degtyarenko’s wife lives in the same communal apartment as Sofia Petrovna. Unlike many of the other residents, she shows Sofia empathy in the aftermath of Kolya’s arrest.
Degtyarenko is one of the tenants living in the same communal apartment as Sofia Petrovna. He’s a police officer, but he isn’t involved with the arrests taking place all over Leningrad, since they’re carried out by secret police.
Fyodor Ivanovich
Fyodor Ivanovich is Sofia Petrovna’s late husband. He was a widely respected doctor when he was alive.
Dr. Kiparisov
Dr. Kiparisov is Mrs. Kiparisova’s husband. A former colleague of Sofia’s husband, he’s arrested on suspicion of state sabotage along with a number of other doctors in Leningrad.