Sofia Petrovna


Lydia Chukovskaya

Sashka Yartsev Character Analysis

Sashka Yartsev is a young man with whom Kolya went to school. Kolya has never liked Sashka, who insulted Alik Finkelstein one day at school by calling him an anti-Semitic name. The Komsomol decided to hold a mock trial in response, and Kolya acted as the prosecutor. Later, Sashka Yartsev tells an investigator that Kolya conspired with him against the Soviet Union. This is a bald-faced lie, though Kolya notes that Sashka was probably beaten into giving up names (the same way that Kolya himself was beaten into signing a confession).
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Sashka Yartsev Character Timeline in Sofia Petrovna

The timeline below shows where the character Sashka Yartsev appears in Sofia Petrovna. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2
Patriotism and Fanaticism Theme Icon
Loyalty, Political Allegiance, and Truth Theme Icon
...there was an argument at school and that it was instigated by a boy named Sashka Yartsev , whom Kolya says is a “real old-regime jerk.” Apparently, Sashka Yartsev called Alik Finkelstein... (full context)
Chapter 18
Uncertainty and Disbelief Theme Icon
Loyalty, Political Allegiance, and Truth Theme Icon
...person agreed to deliver this letter even though it’s not allowed. He was arrested because Sashka Yartsev —a boy he went to school with—claims to have persuaded him to join a “terrorist... (full context)