Sofia Petrovna


Lydia Chukovskaya

Themes and Colors
Uncertainty and Disbelief Theme Icon
Patriotism and Fanaticism Theme Icon
Pride, Status, and Moral Superiority Theme Icon
Loyalty, Political Allegiance, and Truth Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Sofia Petrovna, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Pride, Status, and Moral Superiority Theme Icon

Although Sofia Petrovna is primarily about the horror of losing a loved because of a corrupt and tyrannical government, it’s also a novel about what happens to vanity and social status in the face of hardship. Before her son is arrested, Sofia Petrovna takes great pleasure in her role as a senior typist and the small amount of authority that comes along with the position. She condescendingly tells one of her housemates that it’s a shame the housemate doesn’t have a job, since working can be so fulfilling. It’s clear, then, that Sofia Petrovna takes pride in her work and thinks she’s doing something meaningful with her life. Her pride also extends to Kolya, who’s on the path to becoming a well-regarded engineer. In fact, she has such a high opinion of Kolya that she doesn’t think her own best friend, Natasha, would be a worthy romantic partner for him, despite the fact that she otherwise deeply respects Natasha. There is, then, a touch of vanity to the way Sofia moves through the world, as she clearly sees herself and her son as superior to the average Soviet citizen.

But Sofia’s vanity is put to the test when Kolya is arrested and the people around her begin to question her identity as a model citizen. In particular, one of her housemates—a nurse—treats her as if she’s a criminal who ought to be avoided. “If one member of a family’s in jail—then you can expect just about anything from the others,” Sofia overhears the nurse saying one night. And yet, Sofia still clings to her pride, believing that she has “no reason to be ashamed of Kolya.” In fact, she even maintains her sense of superiority while waiting outside the prison with the other women whose loved ones have been arrested. She condescendingly feels sorry for these women, thinking about how horrible it would be to find out that a loved one was a saboteur. It never enters her mind that these people are in the same situation as her; in other words, she judges the other women in a condescending way instead of recognizing that she’s in the exact same boat as they are. What’s more, her desire to be seen as respectable and enviable is made evident by her fantasies about Kolya returning from prison and putting her judgmental housemate to shame. It’s almost as if the embarrassment of losing face in society is one of the things that torments her most about Kolya’s imprisonment. She therefore starts lying about his imminent return, and though it’s arguable that she genuinely deludes herself into thinking this is true, it seems likely that her invented story is mostly an attempt to show the people who have shunned her that they were wrong. The novel therefore illustrates that people still sometimes yearn for status and respectability even in the darkest, most challenging moments of their lives.

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Pride, Status, and Moral Superiority Quotes in Sofia Petrovna

Below you will find the important quotes in Sofia Petrovna related to the theme of Pride, Status, and Moral Superiority.
Chapter 1 Quotes

The typists were a bit afraid of her and called her the schoolmarm behind her back. But they obeyed her. And she wanted to be strict, but fair. In the lunch hour she chatted in a friendly way with those who did their work well and conscientiously, talked about how difficult it was to make out the director’s handwriting and how lipstick was far from suitable for everyone. But with those who were capable of typing things like “rehersal” or “collective” she adopted a haughty manner.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, The Director (Zakharov)
Page Number: 4
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Sofia Petrovna would open the door and the assistant manager would drag Erna Semyonovna’s typewriter out of the typing pool into the restricted special department. Erna Semyonovna would follow her typewriter with a triumphant expression: as they’d explained to Sofia Petrovna, she had a “security clearance” and the party secretary summoned her to the special department to type up secret party documents.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, Kolya, Erna Semyonovna
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

Sofia Petrovna didn’t really understand what it was all about, she was bored and wanted to leave, but she was afraid it wasn’t the thing to do and glared at one of the typists who was making her way to the door.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna
Page Number: 7
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Chapter 2 Quotes

The Mestkom gave her the job of collecting the union dues. Sofia Petrovna thought very little about why the trade union actually existed, but she liked drawing lines on sheets of paper with a ruler and marking in the various columns who had paid their dues for the current month and who had not; she liked pasting in the stamps and presenting impeccable accounts to the auditing commission. She liked being able to walk into the director’s imposing office whenever she chose and remind him jokingly that he was four months in arrears, and have him jokingly present his apologies to his patient comrades on the Mestkom and pull out his wallet and pay up. Even the sullen party secretary could safely be reminded that he owed his dues.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, The Director (Zakharov), Comrade Timofeyev
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

Sofia Petrovna had one consolation for the loss of her apartment: the tenants unanimously elected her official apartment representative. She became, as it were, the manager, the boss of her own apartment. She gently, but firmly, spoke to the wife of the accountant about the trunks standing in the corridor. She calculated the amount each person owed for electricity as accurately as she collected the Mestkom dues at work.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

Just think of it, all these women, the mothers, wives and sisters of saboteurs, terrorists and spies! And the men, the husband or brother of one…They all looked perfectly ordinary, like those on a streetcar or in a store. Except they all looked tired and baggy-eyed. “I can imagine how awful it must be for a mother to learn that her son is a saboteur,” thought Sofia Petrovna.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, Kolya
Page Number: 50
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

No, Sofia Petrovna had been quite right to keep aloof from her neighbors in the lines. She was sorry for them, of course, as human beings, sorry especially for the children; but still an honest person had to remember that all these women were the wives and mothers of poisoners, spies and murderers.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, Kolya
Page Number: 60
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

“So she thinks he’s some kind of innocent lamb,” the nurse began again. “Excuse me, please, but people don’t get locked up for nothing in our country. Enough of this. They haven’t locked me up, have they? And why not? Because I’m an honest woman, a real Soviet citizen.”

Related Characters: The Nurse (speaker), Sofia Petrovna, Kolya, Degtyarenko’s Wife
Page Number: 69
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Chapter 12 Quotes

“You’re still very young, I assure you, you’re mistaken. It’s all a question of tact. For instance, yesterday I defended Natalia Sergeyevna at the meeting. And the result? Nothing’s happened to me because of it. Believe me, this business with Kolya is a nightmare to me. I’m his mother. But I understand it’s a temporary misunderstanding, exaggerations, disagreement…One has to be patient.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna (speaker), Kolya, Natasha Frolenko, Alik Finkelstein
Page Number: 73
Explanation and Analysis:

“You have to be persistent,” said Sofia Petrovna quietly. “If they won’t tell you here, you must write to Moscow. Or else, what’s going to happen? You’ll lose track of each other completely.”

The director’s wife looked her up and down.

“Who is it? Your husband? Your son?” she asked with such intense fury that Sofia Petrovna involuntarily drew back closer to Alik. All right then, when they send your son away—you just be persistent, you go find out his address.”

“They won’t send my son away,” said Sofia Petrovna apologetically. “You see, he’s not guilty. He was arrested by mistake.”

“Ha-ha-ha!” laughed the director’s wife, carefully enunciating each syllable.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna (speaker), The Director’s Wife (speaker), Kolya, The Director (Zakharov)
Page Number: 75
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16 Quotes

Lying in her bed, she would think about her next letter to Comrade Stalin. Since Kolya had been taken away, she had already written three letters to Comrade Stalin. In the first she had asked him to review Kolya’s case and have him released since he was not guilty of anything. In the second, she had asked to be told where he was so that she might go there and see him just once more before she died. In the third, she implored him to tell her one thing only: was Kolya alive or dead? But there was no answer…The first letter she had simply dropped into the mailbox, the second she had sent by registered mail, and the third, with a return slip for confirmation of delivery. The return slip came back after a few days. In the space “signature of recipient” was an incomprehensible scribble, in small letters: “…eryan.”

Who was this “Eryan”? And had he given Comrade Stalin the letter? After all the envelope had been marked: “Personal and Private.”

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, Kolya, Alik Finkelstein
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 17 Quotes

Sofia Petrovna went back to her own room and sat down on the sofa. She needed to sit somewhere quiet, to recover from her own words and grasp their meaning. Kolya’s been released. They’ve released Kolya. Looking back at her from the mirror was a wrinkled old woman with dirty-gray hair streaked with white. Would Kolya know her when her [sic] returned? She stared deep into the mirror until everything began to swim before her eyes and she could no longer tell which was the real couch and which the reflection.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, Kolya
Page Number: 103
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