Sofia Petrovna


Lydia Chukovskaya

The Mestkom was the trade union originally formed to help workers control industry in the Soviet Union, though the Mestkom’s actual power had markedly diminished by the 1930s, when Sofia Petrovna takes place.

Mestkom Quotes in Sofia Petrovna

The Sofia Petrovna quotes below are all either spoken by Mestkom or refer to Mestkom. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Uncertainty and Disbelief Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

The Mestkom gave her the job of collecting the union dues. Sofia Petrovna thought very little about why the trade union actually existed, but she liked drawing lines on sheets of paper with a ruler and marking in the various columns who had paid their dues for the current month and who had not; she liked pasting in the stamps and presenting impeccable accounts to the auditing commission. She liked being able to walk into the director’s imposing office whenever she chose and remind him jokingly that he was four months in arrears, and have him jokingly present his apologies to his patient comrades on the Mestkom and pull out his wallet and pay up. Even the sullen party secretary could safely be reminded that he owed his dues.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna, The Director (Zakharov), Comrade Timofeyev
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

Sofia Petrovna had one consolation for the loss of her apartment: the tenants unanimously elected her official apartment representative. She became, as it were, the manager, the boss of her own apartment. She gently, but firmly, spoke to the wife of the accountant about the trunks standing in the corridor. She calculated the amount each person owed for electricity as accurately as she collected the Mestkom dues at work.

Related Characters: Sofia Petrovna
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mestkom Term Timeline in Sofia Petrovna

The timeline below shows where the term Mestkom appears in Sofia Petrovna. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Patriotism and Fanaticism Theme Icon
Loyalty, Political Allegiance, and Truth Theme Icon
...get “the facts” straight, though he doesn’t elaborate. Then, Anna Grigorievna, the chairman of the Mestkom (the local trade union) gets up and says that the publishing house must hold its... (full context)
Chapter 2
Patriotism and Fanaticism Theme Icon
Pride, Status, and Moral Superiority Theme Icon
Loyalty, Political Allegiance, and Truth Theme Icon Her son, Kolya, jokes about how devoted she is to social activism, as the Mestkom appoints her to be the person who collects union dues from the other workers at... (full context)
Chapter 3
Patriotism and Fanaticism Theme Icon
...resentful of Erna Semyonovna, intimidated by the party secretary, Comrade Timofeyev, and contemptuous of the Mestkom chairman. But she’s fond of the director and wishes she could be his secretary. During... (full context)
Chapter 7
Uncertainty and Disbelief Theme Icon
Patriotism and Fanaticism Theme Icon
Loyalty, Political Allegiance, and Truth Theme Icon
...“political vigilance.” After he speaks, he hands the floor over to the chairman of the Mestkom, Anna Grigorievna, who declares that the publishing house itself has been infiltrated by enemies of... (full context)