Sofia Petrovna


Lydia Chukovskaya


The Komsomol was a Soviet communist youth organization that was generally viewed as the youth wing of the Communist Party. read analysis of Komsomol


The Mestkom was the trade union originally formed to help workers control industry in the Soviet Union, though the Mestkom’s actual power had markedly diminished by the 1930s, when Sofia Petrovna takes place. read analysis of Mestkom

Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953 (the year of his death). Even though the Soviet Union was supposed to be governed by collective leadership, Stalin eventually became its… read analysis of Joseph Stalin

Sergei Kirov

Sergei Kirov was a Soviet politician whose assassination led to the Great Purge, in which Joseph Stalin’s regime carried out mass arrests and executions. The Stalin regime used Kirov’s assassination as an initial… read analysis of Sergei Kirov

The Great Purge

The Great Purge was a violent political campaign that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin carried out from 1936–1938. Its aim was to eliminate any resistance to the Communist Party, resulting in mass arrests and executions. It’s… read analysis of The Great Purge
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