The Knife of Never Letting Go


Patrick Ness

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The Knife of Never Letting Go: Chapter 3 Summary & Analysis

Cillian asks Todd and Manchee where they’ve been. Todd tries to explain he was getting swamp apples for Ben but realizes he must have accidentally dropped them at some point. Cillian tells Todd he needs to be better about completing his chores since it will soon be the time when the sheep give birth to new lambs. Todd leaves with Manchee, supposedly to go feed the sheep. Todd is in charge of the lambs on their farm, while Ben and Cillian take care of the wheat.
Lambs are often a symbol for innocence, and so the fact that Todd is in charge of taking care of the lambs symbolizes how in the month before he becomes a man, he’s still innocent. This passage emphasizes how much the humans of this world rely on the land and the environment—and why it is important to maintain this relationship.
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The sheep on the farm say even less than dogs, mostly just “Sheep!” As Todd passes them without stopping, he hears Ben’s Noise. Ben has very different Noise from Cillian, reflecting Ben’s calmer personality. Todd’s Ma was friends with Ben at the Church, where they were offered a chance to settle in the New World. Ma convinced Pa to go, and Ben convinced Cillian to go. The sheep originally belonged to Todd’s parents, while Ben and Cillian always took care of the wheat. After the death of his parents, Todd became like Ben and Cillian’s son.
Ben and Cillian seem to be a couple, but the book only hints at them being homosexual. This could be a reflection of the time when the book was published (in 2008, when many gay people couldn’t legally marry) as well as a sign of how the violent, religious culture in Prentisstown forces people who don’t fit in to keep secrets. Although Todd is technically an orphan, this novel argues that a person’s surrogate or adoptive parents can be even more impactful than their biological parents.
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Todd feels calmer whenever he’s around Ben. Ben can tell that something is wrong, and that Todd doesn’t have the apples. Ben notices a cut on Todd’s lip and guesses it must have been Aaron. Todd hears Ben’s Noise say, “One month,” but Ben quickly covers it up. Todd asks Ben directly about it, but Ben just says there’s a surprise that Todd shouldn’t go searching for. Manchee starts barking “Quiet,” and Todd eventually tells Ben about the Noise hole in the swamp. Todd asks if this means the Spackle are back or if there’ll be another war, but Ben is stunned and just says that they need to get Todd away immediately.
Ben and Cillian each represent different styles of caring for people. Todd has an easier time understanding how Ben cares about him because Ben is more open with his emotions and is more openly friendly. But, particularly as later events reveal, Cillian also cares in his own way, and his stricter personality seems to be his attempt to prepare Todd for the harsh realities that he’ll face when he finally reaches adulthood in Prentisstown.
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