The Knife of Never Letting Go


Patrick Ness

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Noise is the thoughts of men and boys in the New World, including words and images, which they broadcast out to the world so that anyone nearby can detect it. Todd grows up believing that everyone on his planet has Noise, but he learns that girls and women don’t have Noise (although they can still detect it). Contrary to what Mayor Prentiss says, Noise is not caused by Spackle germ warfare but instead by the natural conditions of the New World.

Noise Quotes in The Knife of Never Letting Go

The The Knife of Never Letting Go quotes below are all either spoken by Noise or refer to Noise. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

Men lie, and they lie to theirselves worst of all.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Mayor Prentiss
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4 Quotes

Cillian comes running up but before he says anything to us, Ben cuts him off and says, “Don’t think it!”

Ben turns to me. “Don’t you think it neither. You cover it up with yer Noise. You hide it. You hide it as best you can.” And he’s grabbing my shoulders as he’s saying it and squeezing tight enough to make my blood jump even more than it already is.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Ben (speaker), Cillian
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

I know what a girl is. Course I do. I seen ’em in the Noise of their fathers in town, mourned like their wives but not nearly so often. I seen ’em in vids, too. Girls are small and polite and smiley. They wear dresses and their hair is long and it’s pulled into shapes behind their heads or on either side. They do all the inside-the-house chores, while boys do all the outside. They reach womanhood when they turn thirteen, just like boys reach manhood, and then they’re women and they become wives.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

Aaron turns, not even fast like, just turns like someone’s called his name. He sees me standing there, knife in the air, not moving like the goddam coward idiot I am, and he smiles and boy I just can’t say how awful a smile looks on that torn-up face.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl, Aaron
Related Symbols: Knife
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“Viola,” I say again.

She don’t nod this time.

“I’m Todd,” I say.

“I know,” she says.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl (speaker)
Page Number: 131
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 15 Quotes

“It’s why I can read so good,” Hildy calls back to us. “He gets better at hiding, I get better at finding.”

Related Characters: Hildy (speaker), Todd, Viola/Girl, Mayor Prentiss, Tam
Page Number: 158
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 18 Quotes

A shadow steps into the far doorway.

Matthew Lyle.

And his Noise is saying, Ye ain’t going nowhere, boy.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Matthew (speaker), Aaron, Elizabeth, Francia
Related Symbols: Knife
Page Number: 197
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21 Quotes

“If they’d told me, Prentisstown would’ve heard it in my Noise and known that I knew. We wouldn’t’ve even got the head start we had.” I glance at her eyes and look away. “I shoulda given it to someone to read and that’s all there is to it. Ben’s a good man.” I lower my voice. “Was.”

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl, Mayor Prentiss, Ben, Cillian
Page Number: 226
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 25 Quotes

And (no no no no no) I see the fear that was coming from his Noise–

(No no no, please no.)

And there’s nothing left for me to throw up but I heave anyway–

And I’m a killer–

I’m a killer–

I’m a killer–

(Oh, please no) I’m a killer.”

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl
Related Symbols: Knife
Page Number: 277
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 41 Quotes

It’s saying Not you

And Viola’s raising her arm–

Raising the knife–

And bringing it down–

And down–

And down–

And plunging it straight into the side of Aaron’s neck–

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl, Aaron
Related Symbols: Knife
Page Number: 462
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

“Welcome,” says the Mayor, “to New Prentisstown.”

Related Characters: Mayor Prentiss (speaker), Todd, Viola/Girl, Ma
Related Symbols: Journal
Page Number: 479
Explanation and Analysis:
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Noise Term Timeline in The Knife of Never Letting Go

The timeline below shows where the term Noise appears in The Knife of Never Letting Go. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...He curses the squirrel, who can’t speak but who can communicate with Todd with its Noise (thoughts). While Todd is distracted, all of a sudden Aaron comes out of nowhere and... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...dead Spackles (an alien race, also called “spacks”). Todd himself doesn’t remember a world before Noise. His Ma and Pa died when he was young, and so Ben and Cillian raised... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon talk with other men. As Todd walks through the swamp, he hears the worried Noise of small birds. He and Manchee walk further, and all of a sudden Manchee seems... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
Todd knows Noise should be everywhere. The Spackle released the Noise germ in a war against the humans,... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Manchee runs toward the hole in the Noise, so Todd follows. The quiet makes Todd feel empty on the inside. He feels like... (full context)
Chapter 2
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon his village. He doesn’t believe that silence exists because he’s always been surrounded by Noise. Todd lives in Prentisstown, where Mayor Prentiss is in charge. Boys used to be taught... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Todd has never known life without Noise, which is not just words but also pictures of memories, fantasies, and other thoughts people... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...with Todd about what a beautiful day it is. Todd tries to think his usual Noise so that he won’t reveal anything to Mr. Phelps about the Noise hole he just... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Todd passes Mr. Hammar at the petrol station, and his Noise is always bloody and angry. When Mr. Hammar sees Todd, he thinks “One month” and... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...enough free corn. Todd goes on to the Church, which has some of the most Noise in town. At the Church, Aaron preaches about how the New World is like Eden... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
At the top of the hill in Prentisstown is the place with the most Noise of all: Mayor Prentiss’s house. Mayor Prentiss believes it’s possible to control the power of... (full context)
Chapter 3
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...less than dogs, mostly just “Sheep!” As Todd passes them without stopping, he hears Ben’s Noise. Ben has very different Noise from Cillian, reflecting Ben’s calmer personality. Todd’s Ma was friends... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...a cut on Todd’s lip and guesses it must have been Aaron. Todd hears Ben’s Noise say, “One month,” but Ben quickly covers it up. Todd asks Ben directly about it,... (full context)
Chapter 4
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Cillian comes running, and Ben warns him to cover up what he’s thinking with Noise. Ben asks Todd if he went through town and is nervous to learn that Todd... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...but Todd doesn’t move. Mr. Prentiss Jr. says he can hear both Todd and Ben’s Noise. (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
...for long as he can with his rifle, saying goodbye to Todd forever with his Noise. Ben will go with Todd to the river, then try to distract everyone on his... (full context)
Chapter 5
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon keep Todd in the dark to stop Todd from giving things away with his Noise. Ben tells Todd there’s a map in the front of his Ma’s journal that he... (full context)
Chapter 6
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...bangs from the farm must have been Cillian blowing up the generators to create a Noise so loud it would disguise Todd’s escape for a while. Now in the distance, Todd... (full context)
Chapter 7
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...who she is. Todd knows what girls are because he’s heard about them in the Noise of other men. He knows that, like boys, girls reach adulthood at 13 and eventually... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...hit in the side of his head. He realizes that because the girl has no Noise, she was able to sneak up on him while Manchee wasn’t looking. The girl also... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...just as he’s asking if the girl can understand him, he hears a bunch of Noise coming toward them. Todd tries to pull the girl up, but they can’t get moving... (full context)
Chapter 8
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...and goes running, knife in hand. As he gets closer, he can tell from Aaron’s Noise that he intends to sacrifice the girl to God. Todd catches up and tells Aaron... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Aaron finally notices Todd’s Noise. He says that Mayor Prentiss will be sorry to hear of Todd’s death, but God... (full context)
Chapter 10
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...the dark swamp while the girl follows. They keep walking, and even though there’s no Noise behind them, Todd forces them to go until nearly dawn, when he can’t go any... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...all of a sudden, he realizes that if she comes from a place with no Noise, she must not have caught the Noise germ yet. When she catches Noise, it will... (full context)
Chapter 11
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Todd tries to tell the frightened girl he’s mistaken about her catching the Noise germ, but she can tell he’s lying because of his Noise. She runs away. Todd... (full context)
Chapter 12
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
There are six men, including Mayor Prentiss, and they’re all practicing the mayor’s Noise thought exercises like “I AM THE CIRCLE AND THE CIRCLE IS ME.” Aaron is also... (full context)
Chapter 13
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...she somehow knew what Aaron’s name was even though he never said it (due to Noise). She explains that she crashed in the swamp, but she refuses to acknowledge whether the... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Viola asks why Manchee can talk. Todd explains the Noise germ and the war against the Spackle. Viola then asks if she’ll also die from... (full context)
Chapter 14
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...older man, tells Todd to quiet the dog or he’ll shoot. The man has no Noise. He asks Todd why he’s running, and Todd debates whether to say he’s from Prentisstown.... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...her rifle up but introduces herself as Hildy (short for Mathilde). She can hear Todd’s Noise and lets him know that he’s right: he definitely won’t be welcome in the settlement... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...Manchee can go off on their own again. All of a sudden, Todd hears the Noise of a stranger thinking about Hildy and the burning bridge. The stranger’s noise says “Hello”... (full context)
Chapter 15
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...kiss when she gets back. His name is Tam, and like Todd, he also has Noise. He greets Todd enthusiastically and says it’s been a while since he had guests. Todd... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Todd is confused because he thought Noise killed women. Tam explains it’s the opposite, and actually women are immune to it, and... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Tam tells Todd he would’ve gotten lost in the Noise many years ago if Hildy hadn’t saved him. Todd asks if this means Tam was... (full context)
Chapter 16
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...going to the settlement immediately. To his surprise, Viola gets angry, confronting him about his Noise, including his thoughts about how he finds her so emotionless and how he wants to... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...why his journal is telling him to go to Farbranch in the first place. Todd’s Noise reveals that he can’t read and doesn’t understand the journal. Nevertheless, he refuses her help... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...see both men and women, probably a few less men than Prentisstown. He detects both Noise and silence from them. As Todd walks by, some people’s Noise begins to say “Prentisstown?”... (full context)
Chapter 17
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...warns him not to use it. Todd, however, is worried because he can tell Matthew’s Noise is getting very red, and that only happens with people looking to fight. Matthew references... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...Viola asks if it’s true that there’s a place called “Haven” with a cure for Noise, but Hildy says the cure is just a rumor. Haven is definitely real, however, and... (full context)
Chapter 18
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...else has the meeting. But as Todd is heading back, he hears a hint of Noise, and suddenly, Matthew appears and stops him. (full context)
Chapter 19
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...Todd needs to hear her story before he dies. Matthew sends Todd something in his Noise, but Todd just calls Matthew a liar and runs away. (full context)
Chapter 21
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...and Viola travel, Todd complains that it’s rude for Viola to always be reading his Noise, but she says it’s impossible not to. Eventually, Viola says that she doesn’t want to... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Viola and Todd sleep briefly before Viola wakes Todd up saying she hears Noise. They run in the dark and come to a settlement similar to Farbranch. Todd wonders... (full context)
Chapter 22
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
Todd and Viola hear Noise that sounds like a thousand voices singing together. All of the voices in the Noise... (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...Viola says the most terrifying thing she ever experienced was hearing Aaron raving in his Noise. (full context)
Chapter 23
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon off the road. The horse rider gallops frantically, when all of a sudden, his Noise goes “Todd Hewitt?” Todd realizes it’s Mr. Prentiss Jr. Mr. Prentiss Jr. is surprised and... (full context)
Chapter 25
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...war. The Spackle is clearly an alien, with big ear flaps and black eyes. Todd’s Noise is getting red, so Viola warns him to calm down. Todd can tell from the... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...Todd thinks back, and he can recognize the fear that was coming from the Spackle’s Noise. He realizes that he’s a killer. He throws down his bloody knife, and they decide... (full context)
Chapter 27
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...but Todd lets him have it. They keep going, and Todd thinks he hears the Noise of people nearby. He hopes they have food. (full context)
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Todd approaches the huts of some men, then all of a sudden, he hears their Noise going “Prentisstown?” Todd changes his mind immediately and decides to run away, to Manchee’s disappointment.... (full context)
Chapter 30
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...knife comes up beside Todd. He asks Todd what they should do, so that Todd’s Noise doesn’t alert Aaron. Todd realizes he’s not too late, and Aaron hasn’t completed his sacrifice... (full context)
Chapter 32
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...check on Todd and says Todd was so sick that he wasn’t even giving off Noise until recently. Viola leaves the room, and Doctor Snow says that while Todd was unconscious,... (full context)
Chapter 33
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...the same reason that the pub in Prentisstown played music: to help men keep their Noise private. Viola explains that in this settlement, Carbonel Downs, women can only take care of... (full context)
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...outside the settlement near the river. Todd can barely believe it, but he thinks the Noise belongs to Ben. (full context)
Chapter 34
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon really there. Ben is happy to see Todd, but Todd can tell from Ben’s Noise that Cillian apparently died in a burning farmhouse while fighting Mayor Prentiss’s men. Todd’s own... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
...that he can’t come because Prentisstown men aren’t welcome in Haven. Todd opens up his Noise to let Ben know about everything that happened on his journey, including Farbranch, Wilf, and... (full context)
Chapter 35
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Todd senses in the Noise of all the Carbonel Downs men that they’re focusing all their fears about Prentisstown in... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Todd can tell from Doctor Snow’s Noise what the law demands for men from Prentisstown like Ben. He draws his knife, striking... (full context)
Chapter 36
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Ben reveals that the Noise germ wasn’t part of Spackle warfare—it was always present on the New World. Shortly after... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Todd can tell from Ben’s Noise that the war didn’t stop with the Spackle. The men of Prentisstown couldn’t stand the... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...Todd, Ben, and Viola hear the sound of one horse approaching. Todd realizes from the Noise that it’s Mr. Prentiss Jr. Todd senses Ben forming a plan in his Noise and... (full context)
Chapter 37
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...scenic countryside. Viola tries to reassure Todd by reminding him that they don’t hear any Noise and didn’t hear any gunshots, suggesting that perhaps Ben succeeded in stopping Mr. Prentiss Jr.... (full context)
Chapter 38
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
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Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...the far side of the swamp, where there will be some isolation from the other Noise in the New World. (full context)
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...realizes that he knows what Viola is thinking, that he can “read” her even without Noise. He knows she’s thinking about how her own parents also came to the New World... (full context)
Chapter 40
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...a few options, they make for a ledge behind a waterfall that will disguise Todd’s Noise and hopefully let them hide from Aaron. They have to jump over a gap in... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
...the sacrifice Aaron was trying to complete earlier. Viola says she thinks, based on Aaron’s Noise, that maybe she wasn’t the real sacrifice after all, that maybe Aaron was always intending... (full context)
Chapter 41
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...of death because he believes it’s his fate to become a saint. Todd reads Aaron’s Noise and sees that Aaron’s original plan was to make Todd a killer by murdering Ben... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Todd’s Noise begins to go red. He feels that he can hear his knife calling out to... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Todd can sense Aaron’s Noise saying, “Not you.” Viola drives the knife into Aaron’s neck so hard that it goes... (full context)
Chapter 42
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
...Todd ignores him and runs right toward Mr. Prentiss Jr. Todd sends a blast of Noise toward Mr. Prentiss Jr’s horse and it rears back. While Mr. Prentiss Jr. is trying... (full context)
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
...was enough to win a surrender from Haven. Todd realizes he can’t hear Mayor Prentiss’s Noise or anyone’s. He promises to do anything to save Viola, but the mayor ignores him.... (full context)