The Knife of Never Letting Go


Patrick Ness

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Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Analysis

Themes and Colors
The Cost of Violence Theme Icon
Information vs. Knowledge Theme Icon
Bigotry and Misogyny Theme Icon
Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon
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Humanity’s Connection to Nature Theme Icon

One of the most unusual features of the New World in The Knife of Never Letting Go is that animals can communicate with humans through Noise and sometimes even speech. The best example of the connection between humanity and nature in the first half of the novel is the relationship between Todd and his talking dog, Manchee. At first, Todd has a strained relationship with Manchee, only putting up with the dog because he was a gift from Cillian. This hostility reflects Todd’s relationship with nature in general, as he struggles against swampy terrain and crocodiles during the early part of his journey. But as Todd goes on and Manchee proves his loyalty by defending Todd against attackers, Todd begins to have a better relationship with both Manchee and the environment of the planet he lives on. Todd appreciates the spectacle of the enormous herd of “thangs” that he witnesses with Viola and Wilf, seeing how the animals can be dangerous but also how it’s possible to live in harmony with them. Todd also learns how to use the river as a means of transportation and how to use a waterfall to hide his Noise when he’s being pursued.

By contrast, the villains of the story like Mr. Prentiss Jr. and Aaron all have antagonistic relationships with nature and make no effort to change. Aaron, who sees nature as little more than a tool for his own ends, kills Manchee for the sole purpose of trying to provoke Todd. Similarly, Mr Prentiss Jr rides his horse hard, treating it as little more than a vehicle to try to catch Todd. Each learns the dangers of disrespecting nature, with crocodiles mauling Aaron at one point and with Mr Prentiss Jr losing a fight with Todd because his horse gets spooked. The fact that the animals in the novel have Noise symbolizes how nature is trying to communicate with humanity, and while those who learn to listen will get to share in nature’s wonder and beauty, those who try to dominate nature will fail to enjoy its benefits.

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Humanity’s Connection to Nature Quotes in The Knife of Never Letting Go

Below you will find the important quotes in The Knife of Never Letting Go related to the theme of Humanity’s Connection to Nature.
Chapter 1 Quotes

The first thing you find out when yer dog learns to talk is that dogs don’t got nothing much to say. About anything.

“Need a poo, Todd.”

“Shut up, Manchee.”

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Manchee (speaker)
Page Number: 3
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Chapter 10 Quotes

She’s giving me food. And fire.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl
Page Number: 94                            
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Chapter 19 Quotes

“I don’t think we’re safe anywhere,” I say. “Not on this whole planet.”

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl, Mayor Prentiss
Page Number: 207
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Chapter 22 Quotes

“’Em big thangs,” Wilf says, not turning round. “Jus thangs, thass all.”

Related Characters: Wilf (speaker), Todd, Viola/Girl
Page Number: 246
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Chapter 31 Quotes

And Aaron wrenches his arms and there’s a CRACK and a scream and a cut-off yelp that tears my heart in two forever and forever.

And the pain is too much it’s too much it’s too much and my hands are on my head and I’m rearing back and my mouth is open in a never-ending wordless wail of all the blackness that’s inside me.

And I fall back into it.

And I know nothing more as the river takes us away and away and away.

Related Characters: Todd (speaker), Viola/Girl, Aaron, Manchee
Related Symbols: Knife
Page Number: 350
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Chapter 38 Quotes

Oh, son, there’s so much wonder in the world. Don’t let no one tell you otherwise. Yes, life has been hard here on New World and I’ll even admit to you here, cuz if I’m going to start out at all it has to be an honest start, I’ll tell you that I was nearly given to despair. Things in the settlement are maybe more complicated than I can quite explain [...] it was hard enough even before I lost yer pa and I nearly gave up.

But I didn’t give up. I didn’t give up cuz of you, my beautiful, beautiful boy, my wondrous son who might make something better of this world, who I promise to raise only with love and hope and who I swear will see this world come good. I swear it.

Related Characters: Viola/Girl (speaker), Ma (speaker), Todd, Mayor Prentiss, Manchee
Related Symbols: Journal
Page Number: 417
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