The Knife of Never Letting Go


Patrick Ness

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The Knife of Never Letting Go: Chapter 37 Summary & Analysis

Todd and Viola rush down a hill toward the river. Todd starts to feel like life has no point and he should just give up, but Viola scolds him, saying he’s not the only one who’s ever had to deal with loss. Todd pulls himself together and suggests taking the road, since it’s the fastest route and the army seems to know where they are anyway. Viola agrees.
In spite of Ben’s final advice, Todd nevertheless begins to lose hope after so many setbacks. This chapter sets up that Todd and Viola are entering the final phase of their journey, no longer hiding in the woods but rushing down the road and accepting all the danger this potentially brings.
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Todd and Viola walk across a scenic countryside. Viola tries to reassure Todd by reminding him that they don’t hear any Noise and didn’t hear any gunshots, suggesting that perhaps Ben succeeded in stopping Mr. Prentiss Jr. Todd and Viola get hungry, but they have no time to hunt for food.
In some ways, this chapter represents a return to the status quo, with Todd and Viola back on a journey together after a period of separation. But each has changed since the last time they traveled together, with the absence of Manchee being the most visible sign of how the mood on their journey has become more solemn.
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Todd and Viola come across a small settlement that looks like it was just abandoned a day or two ago. They scavenge some food, then continue on, with Viola noting that it might be their last night on the road before Haven. Todd remembers he’ll be a man in 15 days. While in the settlement getting food, Todd notices his Ma’s journal in his pack. Later, he asks Viola if she’d be willing to read the journal aloud to him, maybe in her fake Prentisstown accent.
The empty settlement contributes to the idea that Todd and Viola are alone. While the novel centers around the idea of learning to trust other people and ask for help, it also acknowledges the reality that trying to do the right thing in the face of a force as powerful as Mayor Prentiss’s army can be a lonely and difficult journey.
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