The Knife of Never Letting Go


Patrick Ness

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The Knife of Never Letting Go: Chapter 30 Summary & Analysis

A boy who wears a brown shirt like Todd and also has a knife comes up beside Todd. He asks Todd what they should do, so that Todd’s Noise doesn’t alert Aaron. Todd realizes he’s not too late, and Aaron hasn’t completed his sacrifice of Viola. Todd begins creeping in that direction, and the boy follows him.
This boy seems at first to be a mirror image of Todd himself. The fact that Todd accepts the boy’s appearance without questioning anything suggests how far Todd has gone in his illness and how Todd’s senses are particularly unreliable in this chapter.
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The boy tries to plant negative thoughts in Todd’s head, telling him Viola is probably on the verge of dying anyway and there’s no way to stop Aaron. The boy’s knife has blood on it, and he says he’s a killer, but Todd tells him to stay away. Todd continues to follow Manchee and tries to come up with a plan.
Todd’s sickness causes him to imagine the voices of doubt in his head as a real boy that looks like him. The boy represents a part of Todd that has been silently following him the whole story, as he regrets and reconsiders many of his actions.
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Todd starts trying to make a fire, all while the boy tells him he can’t. But Todd succeeds, and a little smoke begins to rise up. As the fire burns, Todd heads down to the riverbank, where he finds a small boat tied up at a dock. The boy thinks the boat will sink, but Todd goes to get Manchee. He gives Manchee the non-burning side of a burning stick, then goes into the boat, leaving the boy on the shore and heading downstream toward Aaron and Viola.
Todd learns, through the small test of making a fire, that the boy following him doesn’t know any more than he does. Although the boy embodies Todd’s doubts and weakness, Todd’s ability to face his demons openly, ignoring them to focus on saving Viola, shows his burgeoning maturity.
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