The Lincoln Highway


Amor Towles

Charlie Watson is the father of Billy and Emmett, whose death shortly before the start of the story prompts Emmett’s early release from Salina. Charlie left behind a sizable inheritance from his wealthy family to become a farmer, only to discover that he didn’t know how to manage a farm. He dies in debt, which Emmett pays off by selling the family farm. Though Emmett resents Charlie’s poor life choices, he appreciates the note Charlie leaves for him, which expresses pride in Emmett and encourages him to live his life as he chooses.

Charlie Watson Quotes in The Lincoln Highway

The The Lincoln Highway quotes below are all either spoken by Charlie Watson or refer to Charlie Watson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Stories, Truth, and Lies Theme Icon
8. Emmett (2) Quotes

But what weighed on his father the most […] was the realization that when Emmett’s mother had gripped her husband’s hand as the fireworks began, it hadn’t been in gratitude for his persistence, for his fealty and support, it had been in gratitude that by gently coaxing her from her malaise in order to witness this magical display, he had reminded her of what joy could be, if only she were willing to leave her daily life behind.

Related Characters: Emmett Watson, Charlie Watson, Billy and Emmett’s Mother
Page Number: 175
Explanation and Analysis:
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Charlie Watson Quotes in The Lincoln Highway

The The Lincoln Highway quotes below are all either spoken by Charlie Watson or refer to Charlie Watson. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Stories, Truth, and Lies Theme Icon
8. Emmett (2) Quotes

But what weighed on his father the most […] was the realization that when Emmett’s mother had gripped her husband’s hand as the fireworks began, it hadn’t been in gratitude for his persistence, for his fealty and support, it had been in gratitude that by gently coaxing her from her malaise in order to witness this magical display, he had reminded her of what joy could be, if only she were willing to leave her daily life behind.

Related Characters: Emmett Watson, Charlie Watson, Billy and Emmett’s Mother
Page Number: 175
Explanation and Analysis: