The Lincoln Highway


Amor Towles

Marceline Maupassant Character Analysis

Marceline Maupassant is a former clown whom Duchess befriends in his backstory. Marceline lost everything in the stock market crash of 1929, and he struggles with depression throughout his friendship with Duchess, which ultimately culminates in Marceline’s suicide. Harrison Hewett steals the dead Marceline’s valuables and blames the theft on Duchess, leading to Duchess’s incarceration in Salina.
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Marceline Maupassant Character Timeline in The Lincoln Highway

The timeline below shows where the character Marceline Maupassant appears in The Lincoln Highway. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
5. Duchess (2)
Debts and Atonement Theme Icon
Maturity and Responsibility Theme Icon
Duchess, who has recently turned 16, is back with Mr. Hewett and Fitzy. He befriends Marceline Maupassant, who was a famous clown in Europe in the 1920s. He was ruined by... (full context)
1. Duchess
Maturity and Responsibility Theme Icon
...clue there, but he finds Woolly already dead. Duchess compares Woolly’s expression to the once Marceline the clown wore after killing himself––one of “neither happiness nor sorrow,” but “some semblance of... (full context)