The Women of Brewster Place


Gloria Naylor

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C.C. Baker Character Analysis

C.C. Baker is a violent, insecure young man who lives in Brewster Place. He is always hanging around with his friends and smoking marijuana near the apartment complex. Because he only knows how to relate to women sexually, he finds his neighbor Lorraine’s romantic disinterest in men threatening. One day, when he yells homophobic slurs at Lorraine, their neighbor Kiswana chastises and verbally humiliates him, leading him to vow revenge against Lorraine. He and his friends later ambush Lorraine in a dark alley on the north edge of Brewster Place and brutally rape her, an event that leads to Lorraine’s disoriented, traumatized murder of Ben.

C.C. Baker Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by C.C. Baker or refer to C.C. Baker. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
7. The Two Quotes

So Lorraine found herself, on her knees, surrounded by the most dangerous species in existence—human males with an erection to validate in a world that was only six feet wide.

Related Characters: Lorraine, Ben, C.C. Baker
Related Symbols: The Wall
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis:
8. The Block Party Quotes

“Oh, I don’t know, one of those crazy things that get all mixed up in your head. Something about that wall and Ben. And there was a woman who was supposed to be me, I guess. She didn’t look exactly like me, but inside I felt it was me. You know how silly dreams are.”

Related Characters: Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner (speaker), Mattie Michael, Etta Mae Johnson, Lorraine, Ben, C.C. Baker, Serena
Related Symbols: The Wall
Page Number: 179
Explanation and Analysis:

“Woman, you still in bed? Don’t you know what day it is? We’re gonna have a party.”

Related Characters: Etta Mae Johnson (speaker), Mattie Michael, Lorraine, Ben, C.C. Baker
Related Symbols: The Wall
Page Number: 189
Explanation and Analysis:
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C.C. Baker Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by C.C. Baker or refer to C.C. Baker. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
7. The Two Quotes

So Lorraine found herself, on her knees, surrounded by the most dangerous species in existence—human males with an erection to validate in a world that was only six feet wide.

Related Characters: Lorraine, Ben, C.C. Baker
Related Symbols: The Wall
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis:
8. The Block Party Quotes

“Oh, I don’t know, one of those crazy things that get all mixed up in your head. Something about that wall and Ben. And there was a woman who was supposed to be me, I guess. She didn’t look exactly like me, but inside I felt it was me. You know how silly dreams are.”

Related Characters: Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner (speaker), Mattie Michael, Etta Mae Johnson, Lorraine, Ben, C.C. Baker, Serena
Related Symbols: The Wall
Page Number: 179
Explanation and Analysis:

“Woman, you still in bed? Don’t you know what day it is? We’re gonna have a party.”

Related Characters: Etta Mae Johnson (speaker), Mattie Michael, Lorraine, Ben, C.C. Baker
Related Symbols: The Wall
Page Number: 189
Explanation and Analysis: