The Women of Brewster Place


Gloria Naylor

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Mrs. Browne is Kiswana Browne’s rich, somewhat conservative mother. She badgers Kiswana about going back to college after Kiswana drops out. Though Mrs. Browne and Kiswana have a combative relationship, Kiswana feels more tenderly toward her mother when she realizes that her mother wears red toenail polish to cater to Kiswana’s father’s foot fetish—Kiswana can relate, as her boyfriend Abshu also has a foot fetish.

Mrs. Browne Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Browne or refer to Mrs. Browne. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
4. Kiswana Browne Quotes

“At least I’m here in day-to-day contact with the problems of my people. What good would I be after four or five years of a lot of white brainwashing in some phony, prestige institution, huh? I’d be like you and Daddy and those other educated blacks sitting over there in Linden Hills with a terminal case of middle-class amnesia.”

Related Characters: Kiswana Browne (speaker), Mrs. Browne
Page Number: 84–85
Explanation and Analysis:

I’ll be damned, the young woman thought, feeling her whole face tingle. Daddy’s into feet! And she looked at the blushing woman on her couch and suddenly realized that her mother had trod through the same universe that she herself was now traveling.

Related Characters: Kiswana Browne, Mrs. Browne, Abshu
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mrs. Browne Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Browne or refer to Mrs. Browne. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
4. Kiswana Browne Quotes

“At least I’m here in day-to-day contact with the problems of my people. What good would I be after four or five years of a lot of white brainwashing in some phony, prestige institution, huh? I’d be like you and Daddy and those other educated blacks sitting over there in Linden Hills with a terminal case of middle-class amnesia.”

Related Characters: Kiswana Browne (speaker), Mrs. Browne
Page Number: 84–85
Explanation and Analysis:

I’ll be damned, the young woman thought, feeling her whole face tingle. Daddy’s into feet! And she looked at the blushing woman on her couch and suddenly realized that her mother had trod through the same universe that she herself was now traveling.

Related Characters: Kiswana Browne, Mrs. Browne, Abshu
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis: