The Women of Brewster Place


Gloria Naylor

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Eugene Character Analysis

Eugene is Lucielia’s off-and-on boyfriend. After Lucielia gives birth to their daughter Serena, Eugene abandons Lucielia and Serena for almost a year. When he returns, he impregnates Lucielia again, but after he loses his job, he becomes angry and verbally abusive about Lucielia’s pregnancy. Though Lucielia has an abortion against her own wishes, Eugene decides to leave her again, using an out-of-state job that may or may not exist as an excuse. While Eugene and Lucielia are fighting about this decision in their bedroom, Serena gets into a fatal accident in the kitchen. Eugene skips the funeral because Lucielia’s mother-figure Mattie Michael “disrespected” him in the hospital after Serena’s death.

Eugene Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by Eugene or refer to Eugene. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
5. Lucielia Louise Turner Quotes

“It was my kid, too, ya know. But Mattie, that fat, black bitch, just standin’ in the hospital hall sayin’ to me—to me, now, ‘Whatcha what?’ Like I was a fuckin’ germ or something. Man, I just turned and left. You gotta be treated with respect, ya know?”

Related Characters: Eugene (speaker), Mattie Michael, Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner, Ben, Serena
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

Serena gave a cry of delight and attempted to catch her lost playmate, but it was too quick and darted back into the wall. She tried once again to poke her finger into the slit. Then a bright slender object, lying dropped and forgotten, came into her view. Picking up the fork, Serena finally managed to fit the thin flattened prongs into the electric socket.

Related Characters: Mattie Michael, Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner, Basil, Eugene, Serena
Related Symbols: Vermin
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis:
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Eugene Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by Eugene or refer to Eugene. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
5. Lucielia Louise Turner Quotes

“It was my kid, too, ya know. But Mattie, that fat, black bitch, just standin’ in the hospital hall sayin’ to me—to me, now, ‘Whatcha what?’ Like I was a fuckin’ germ or something. Man, I just turned and left. You gotta be treated with respect, ya know?”

Related Characters: Eugene (speaker), Mattie Michael, Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner, Ben, Serena
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

Serena gave a cry of delight and attempted to catch her lost playmate, but it was too quick and darted back into the wall. She tried once again to poke her finger into the slit. Then a bright slender object, lying dropped and forgotten, came into her view. Picking up the fork, Serena finally managed to fit the thin flattened prongs into the electric socket.

Related Characters: Mattie Michael, Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner, Basil, Eugene, Serena
Related Symbols: Vermin
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis: