The Women of Brewster Place


Gloria Naylor

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Eva Turner marries and divorces five times because, while she likes men, they don’t “agree with” her. She takes in her granddaughter Lucielia after her irresponsible son refuses to care for her. One day, encountering Mattie Michael apartment-hunting with her baby Basil, Eva invites them to stay in her house’s spare room. Eva ends up living with Lucielia, Mattie, and Basil in her home until she dies—and she never lets Mattie pay rent, so that Mattie is able to use the rent money she’s saved to buy Eva’s house from Eva’s children.

Eva Turner Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by Eva Turner or refer to Eva Turner. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
2. Mattie Michael Quotes

“Ya know, ya can’t keep him runnin’ away from things that hurt him. Sometimes, you just gotta stay there and teach him how to go through the bad and good of whatever comes.”

Related Characters: Eva Turner (speaker), Mattie Michael, Basil
Related Symbols: Vermin
Page Number: 31
Explanation and Analysis:

“You sure it’s Basil who don’t want to sleep alone?”

The gentle pity in the faded blue eyes robbed Mattie of the angry accusations she wanted to fling at the old woman for making her feel ashamed. Shame for what? For loving her son, wanting to protect him from his invisible phantoms that lay crouching in the dark? No, those pitying eyes had slid into her unconscious like a blue laser and exposed secrets that Mattie had buried from her own self.

Related Characters: Eva Turner (speaker), Mattie Michael, Basil
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:
7. The Two Quotes

“They love each other like you’d love a man or a man would love you—I guess.”

“But I’ve loved some women deeper than I ever loved any man,” Mattie was pondering. “And there been some women who loved me more and did more for me than any man ever did.”

Related Characters: Mattie Michael (speaker), Etta Mae Johnson (speaker), Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner, Lorraine, Theresa, Basil, Eva Turner, Sophie, Butch Fuller
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis:
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Eva Turner Quotes in The Women of Brewster Place

The The Women of Brewster Place quotes below are all either spoken by Eva Turner or refer to Eva Turner. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism and Poverty  Theme Icon
2. Mattie Michael Quotes

“Ya know, ya can’t keep him runnin’ away from things that hurt him. Sometimes, you just gotta stay there and teach him how to go through the bad and good of whatever comes.”

Related Characters: Eva Turner (speaker), Mattie Michael, Basil
Related Symbols: Vermin
Page Number: 31
Explanation and Analysis:

“You sure it’s Basil who don’t want to sleep alone?”

The gentle pity in the faded blue eyes robbed Mattie of the angry accusations she wanted to fling at the old woman for making her feel ashamed. Shame for what? For loving her son, wanting to protect him from his invisible phantoms that lay crouching in the dark? No, those pitying eyes had slid into her unconscious like a blue laser and exposed secrets that Mattie had buried from her own self.

Related Characters: Eva Turner (speaker), Mattie Michael, Basil
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:
7. The Two Quotes

“They love each other like you’d love a man or a man would love you—I guess.”

“But I’ve loved some women deeper than I ever loved any man,” Mattie was pondering. “And there been some women who loved me more and did more for me than any man ever did.”

Related Characters: Mattie Michael (speaker), Etta Mae Johnson (speaker), Lucielia “Ciel” Louise Turner, Lorraine, Theresa, Basil, Eva Turner, Sophie, Butch Fuller
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis: