This Tender Land

This Tender Land


William Kent Krueger

Albert O’Banion is a 16-year-old boy in 1932. Orphaned by his father (Ezekiel) and mother (Rosalee), Albert is extremely protective of his younger brother, Odie. Throughout their time at Lincoln Indian Training School, Albert worries more about the consequences of Odie’s bad behavior than Odie himself does, and he is such an obedient student that Odie accuses him of toadying to cruel Mrs. Brickman. Albert’s involvement with Volz and Mr. Brickman’s moonshine business demonstrates his advanced maturity and shows how he utilizes his skills to secure practical advantages for himself. Despite his irritability, Albert is a loyal brother who does not hesitate to run with Odie after he kills DiMarco. At the beginning of their journey, Albert is deeply cynical and overly cautious, chiding Odie, Mose, and Emmy for their reckless behavior. Albert has little faith in either divine or human goodness: he assumes that people, like God, are by default untrustworthy and cruel. Oddly, after nearly dying of a snakebite, Albert opens himself more easily to new acquaintances and allows himself more moments of enjoyment, diving deeper into his lifelong passion for engineering. Though Albert rarely sees eye to eye with Odie, he is devoted to his brother even after they choose to live separate from one another.

Albert O’Banion Quotes in This Tender Land

The This Tender Land quotes below are all either spoken by Albert O’Banion or refer to Albert O’Banion. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 4 Quotes

“You’re saying she’s got some hillbilly in her?”

“Just like us.”

We’d been raised in a little town deep in a hollow of the Missouri Ozarks. When we first came to Lincoln School, we still spoke with a strong Ozark accent. That twang, along with a lot of who we were, had been lost over our years at the school.

“I don’t believe it,” I said.

“I’m just saying, Odie, that nobody’s born mean. Life warps you in terrible ways.”

Maybe so, but I still hated her little black heart.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Herman Volz
Page Number: 34-35
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

“I’m afraid I’ll get taken from you, and who’d look after you then?”

“Maybe God?”

“God?” He said it is as if I were joking.

“Maybe it really is like it says in the Bible,” I offered. “God’s a shepherd and we’re his flock and he watches over us.”

For a long while, Albert didn’t say anything. I listened to that kid crying in the dark because he felt lost and alone and believed no one cared.

Finally Albert whispered, “Listen, Odie, what does a shepherd eat?”

I didn’t know where he was going with that, so I didn’t reply.

“His flock,” Albert told me. “One by one.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), Mr. Clyde Brickman, Billy Red Sleeve
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 53-54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

They walked away, Mose carrying little Emmy, but Brickman lingered a moment and surveyed the destruction. Under his breath he said, “Jesus.”

“You were wrong,” I told him.

He looked at me and squinted. “Wrong?”

“You said God was a shepherd and would take care of us. God’s no shepherd.”

He didn’t respond.

“You know what God is, Mr. Brickman? A goddamn tornado, that’s what he is.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Mr. Clyde Brickman (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Cora Frost
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 61
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

Albert stopped and turned to me, his face sad and serious. “Listen, Odie, things have happened to you, bad things, and I know I should have done a better job of protecting you. But I don’t want you to turn out like…like…”

“Like Clyde Brickman? Like DiMarco? You think that’s who I am? The hell with you.”

I walked away from his as fast as I could. Not only because I was angry but because I didn’t want him to see how much he’d hurt me.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), Mr. Clyde Brickman, Vincent DiMarco
Page Number: 108-109
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

I’d killed Vincent DiMarco, which had done something to me that could not be undone. But if you asked me, even to this day, I would tell you that I’ve never been sorry he was dead. Jack was different. I knew it wasn’t his fault, the rage inside him. I’d seen a different Jack, a Jack I liked and, who knows, given time and other circumstances, a Jack I might have been happy to call my friend. Shooting him was like shooting an animal with rabies. It had to be done. But when I pulled that trigger, I lost something of myself, something even more significant than when I’d killed DiMarco, something I think of now as a sliver of my soul.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), One-Eyed Jack, Vincent DiMarco
Page Number: 158-159
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21 Quotes

There is a deeper hurt than anything sustained by the body, and it’s the wounding of the soul. It’s the feeling that you’ve been abandoned by everyone, even God. It’s the most alone you’ll ever be. A wounded body heals itself, but there is a scar. Watching Emmy weep in Mose’s strong arms, I thought the same must be true for a soul. There was a thick scar on my heart now, but the wound to Emmy’s heart was still so recent that it hadn’t begun to heal. I watched as Mose signed on her palm again and again, Not alone. Not alone.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, One-Eyed Jack, Cora Frost, Andrew Frost
Page Number: 165
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 31 Quotes

“Sometimes, Odie,” Sister Eve went on, “in order for people to reach up and embrace their most profound belief in God, they need to stand on the shoulders of others. That’s what Jed and Mickey and Lois and Gooch do. Their experiences are the shoulders for others to climb on. And, Odie, it works. People come forward and I take their hands and I can feel how powerful their faith is, and that’s what heals them. Not me. Their faith in a great, divine power.”

Related Characters: Sister Eve (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Sid Calloway, Dr. Pfeiffer
Page Number: 241
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

The Vagabonds told the woman they were tired of wandering and asked if they could stay with her, but she looked into them, all the way down to their souls, and knew the true reason for their wandering. They were in search of their hearts’ desires, which were different for each of them, and she knew they would never find what they were looking for if they stayed in the safety of her forest.

Instead, she sent them on an odyssey.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Sister Eve, Mr. Clyde Brickman
Page Number: 257-258
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

“But when I heard the music from your harmonica, it made me want to sing. When I looked out the window, I saw a change in my people. I saw life returning to their faces. I saw fire in their eyes again. I think if you keep playing and I keep singing, we might save them.”

And that’s what they did. He played his magic harmonica and she sang in her beautiful voice, which came from her deep love for her people, and slowly everyone in the castle, everyone who’d lost their souls, woke up, and new souls grew in them and they were whole and happy again.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Maybeth Schofield
Related Symbols: Harmonica
Page Number: 312
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Drink’s a tough devil to face down. I seen it lay lots of good men low. But, Buck, here’s the thing. If you never make that kind of bet, you’ll never see the good that might come from it.”

“You think it wasn’t a bad idea?”

“Like your brother said, could turn out you’re throwing good money after bad. But me, I admire your leap of faith.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Sister Eve, Mr. Powell Schofield
Page Number: 317-318
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

Their hands had been tied behind their backs and hoods had been placed over their heads, Mose signed. They couldn’t see one another, so they shouted out their names in order to let the others know they were all there, all together in body and in spirit. They were condemned but not broken. Amdacha was one of these men.

Mose lifted his face, tearstained, to the sky and for a moment could not go on.

Related Characters: Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night
Page Number: 332-333
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 48 Quotes

We risked a fire that night and sat together, talking quietly around the flames, as we had on many nights since we’d taken to the rivers. It began to feel to me as if what had been broken was coming together again, but I knew it would never be exactly the same. With every turn of the river, we were changing, becoming different people, and for the first time I understood that the journey we were on wasn’t just about getting to Saint Louis.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost
Related Symbols: Harmonica
Page Number: 341
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 56 Quotes

This was all my doing, all my fault. This was my curse. I saw now that long before the Tornado God descended and killed Cora Frost and decimated Emmy’s world, that vengeful spirit had attached itself to me and had followed me everywhere. My mother had died. My father had been murdered. I was to blame for all the misery in my life and the lives of everyone I’d ever cared about. Only me. I saw with painful clarity that if I stayed with my brother and Mose and Emmy, I would end up destroying them, too. The realization devastated me, and I stood breathless and alone and terribly afraid.

I fell to my knees and tried to pray to the merciful God Sister Eve had urged me to embrace, prayed desperately for release from this curse, prayed for guidance. But all I felt was my own isolation and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Sister Eve, Cora Frost, Ezekiel O’Banion (Odie’s Father), Rosalee O’Banion (Odie’s Mother)
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 388
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 62 Quotes

“What I’m going to say may sound impossible. But I’ve seen impossible things before, so here goes. Those fits she suffers? I think they may be her attempt at wrestling with what she sees when she looks into the future. I think she might be trying to alter what she sees there.”

That knocked me over. “She changes the future?”

“Maybe just tweaks it a little. Like a good storyteller rewriting the last sentence.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, One-Eyed Jack
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis:
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Albert O’Banion Quotes in This Tender Land

The This Tender Land quotes below are all either spoken by Albert O’Banion or refer to Albert O’Banion. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 4 Quotes

“You’re saying she’s got some hillbilly in her?”

“Just like us.”

We’d been raised in a little town deep in a hollow of the Missouri Ozarks. When we first came to Lincoln School, we still spoke with a strong Ozark accent. That twang, along with a lot of who we were, had been lost over our years at the school.

“I don’t believe it,” I said.

“I’m just saying, Odie, that nobody’s born mean. Life warps you in terrible ways.”

Maybe so, but I still hated her little black heart.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Herman Volz
Page Number: 34-35
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

“I’m afraid I’ll get taken from you, and who’d look after you then?”

“Maybe God?”

“God?” He said it is as if I were joking.

“Maybe it really is like it says in the Bible,” I offered. “God’s a shepherd and we’re his flock and he watches over us.”

For a long while, Albert didn’t say anything. I listened to that kid crying in the dark because he felt lost and alone and believed no one cared.

Finally Albert whispered, “Listen, Odie, what does a shepherd eat?”

I didn’t know where he was going with that, so I didn’t reply.

“His flock,” Albert told me. “One by one.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), Mr. Clyde Brickman, Billy Red Sleeve
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 53-54
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

They walked away, Mose carrying little Emmy, but Brickman lingered a moment and surveyed the destruction. Under his breath he said, “Jesus.”

“You were wrong,” I told him.

He looked at me and squinted. “Wrong?”

“You said God was a shepherd and would take care of us. God’s no shepherd.”

He didn’t respond.

“You know what God is, Mr. Brickman? A goddamn tornado, that’s what he is.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Mr. Clyde Brickman (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Cora Frost
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 61
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

Albert stopped and turned to me, his face sad and serious. “Listen, Odie, things have happened to you, bad things, and I know I should have done a better job of protecting you. But I don’t want you to turn out like…like…”

“Like Clyde Brickman? Like DiMarco? You think that’s who I am? The hell with you.”

I walked away from his as fast as I could. Not only because I was angry but because I didn’t want him to see how much he’d hurt me.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), Mr. Clyde Brickman, Vincent DiMarco
Page Number: 108-109
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

I’d killed Vincent DiMarco, which had done something to me that could not be undone. But if you asked me, even to this day, I would tell you that I’ve never been sorry he was dead. Jack was different. I knew it wasn’t his fault, the rage inside him. I’d seen a different Jack, a Jack I liked and, who knows, given time and other circumstances, a Jack I might have been happy to call my friend. Shooting him was like shooting an animal with rabies. It had to be done. But when I pulled that trigger, I lost something of myself, something even more significant than when I’d killed DiMarco, something I think of now as a sliver of my soul.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion (speaker), One-Eyed Jack, Vincent DiMarco
Page Number: 158-159
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 21 Quotes

There is a deeper hurt than anything sustained by the body, and it’s the wounding of the soul. It’s the feeling that you’ve been abandoned by everyone, even God. It’s the most alone you’ll ever be. A wounded body heals itself, but there is a scar. Watching Emmy weep in Mose’s strong arms, I thought the same must be true for a soul. There was a thick scar on my heart now, but the wound to Emmy’s heart was still so recent that it hadn’t begun to heal. I watched as Mose signed on her palm again and again, Not alone. Not alone.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, One-Eyed Jack, Cora Frost, Andrew Frost
Page Number: 165
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 31 Quotes

“Sometimes, Odie,” Sister Eve went on, “in order for people to reach up and embrace their most profound belief in God, they need to stand on the shoulders of others. That’s what Jed and Mickey and Lois and Gooch do. Their experiences are the shoulders for others to climb on. And, Odie, it works. People come forward and I take their hands and I can feel how powerful their faith is, and that’s what heals them. Not me. Their faith in a great, divine power.”

Related Characters: Sister Eve (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Sid Calloway, Dr. Pfeiffer
Page Number: 241
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

The Vagabonds told the woman they were tired of wandering and asked if they could stay with her, but she looked into them, all the way down to their souls, and knew the true reason for their wandering. They were in search of their hearts’ desires, which were different for each of them, and she knew they would never find what they were looking for if they stayed in the safety of her forest.

Instead, she sent them on an odyssey.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Sister Eve, Mr. Clyde Brickman
Page Number: 257-258
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

“But when I heard the music from your harmonica, it made me want to sing. When I looked out the window, I saw a change in my people. I saw life returning to their faces. I saw fire in their eyes again. I think if you keep playing and I keep singing, we might save them.”

And that’s what they did. He played his magic harmonica and she sang in her beautiful voice, which came from her deep love for her people, and slowly everyone in the castle, everyone who’d lost their souls, woke up, and new souls grew in them and they were whole and happy again.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Maybeth Schofield
Related Symbols: Harmonica
Page Number: 312
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Drink’s a tough devil to face down. I seen it lay lots of good men low. But, Buck, here’s the thing. If you never make that kind of bet, you’ll never see the good that might come from it.”

“You think it wasn’t a bad idea?”

“Like your brother said, could turn out you’re throwing good money after bad. But me, I admire your leap of faith.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Sister Eve, Mr. Powell Schofield
Page Number: 317-318
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

Their hands had been tied behind their backs and hoods had been placed over their heads, Mose signed. They couldn’t see one another, so they shouted out their names in order to let the others know they were all there, all together in body and in spirit. They were condemned but not broken. Amdacha was one of these men.

Mose lifted his face, tearstained, to the sky and for a moment could not go on.

Related Characters: Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night
Page Number: 332-333
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 48 Quotes

We risked a fire that night and sat together, talking quietly around the flames, as we had on many nights since we’d taken to the rivers. It began to feel to me as if what had been broken was coming together again, but I knew it would never be exactly the same. With every turn of the river, we were changing, becoming different people, and for the first time I understood that the journey we were on wasn’t just about getting to Saint Louis.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost
Related Symbols: Harmonica
Page Number: 341
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 56 Quotes

This was all my doing, all my fault. This was my curse. I saw now that long before the Tornado God descended and killed Cora Frost and decimated Emmy’s world, that vengeful spirit had attached itself to me and had followed me everywhere. My mother had died. My father had been murdered. I was to blame for all the misery in my life and the lives of everyone I’d ever cared about. Only me. I saw with painful clarity that if I stayed with my brother and Mose and Emmy, I would end up destroying them, too. The realization devastated me, and I stood breathless and alone and terribly afraid.

I fell to my knees and tried to pray to the merciful God Sister Eve had urged me to embrace, prayed desperately for release from this curse, prayed for guidance. But all I felt was my own isolation and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Sister Eve, Cora Frost, Ezekiel O’Banion (Odie’s Father), Rosalee O’Banion (Odie’s Mother)
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 388
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 62 Quotes

“What I’m going to say may sound impossible. But I’ve seen impossible things before, so here goes. Those fits she suffers? I think they may be her attempt at wrestling with what she sees when she looks into the future. I think she might be trying to alter what she sees there.”

That knocked me over. “She changes the future?”

“Maybe just tweaks it a little. Like a good storyteller rewriting the last sentence.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, One-Eyed Jack
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis: