This Tender Land

This Tender Land


William Kent Krueger

Sister Eve is a traveling healer and preacher who leads the Sword of Gideon Healing Crusade. After Odie and Emmy save her life, Eve allows them, Albert, and Mose to work and live with her troupe of crusaders. Among these employees are Eve’s manager, Sid Calloway, a piano player named Whisker, and Dmitri, the cook. Although Sister Eve fraudulently recreates her past healings on stage, she does have the supernatural ability to see into a person’s past by holding their hand. Gentle and good-hearted, Sister Eve helps Emmy develop and come to terms with her own gift and challenges Odie’s perception of faith and God.

Sister Eve Quotes in This Tender Land

The This Tender Land quotes below are all either spoken by Sister Eve or refer to Sister Eve. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 24 Quotes

As the piano player laid down the first few bars, I moved out into the dark of the meadow, sat down, pulled out my mouth organ, and played right along with them. Oh, it was sweet, like being fed after a long hunger, but it filled me in a different way than the free soup and bread earlier that night had. Into every note, I blew out that longing deep inside me. The song was about love, but for me it was about wanting something else. Maybe home. Maybe safety. Maybe certainty. It felt good, in the way I’d sometimes imagined what prayer might feel like if you really believed and poured your heart into it.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve, Sid Calloway, Whisker
Related Symbols: Harmonica
Page Number: 187
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27 Quotes

She laughed and put her arm around my shoulder. “Only God is perfect, Odie. To the rest of us, he gave all kinds of wrinkles and cracks.” She lifted her hair from her cheek, showing me the long scar there. “If we were perfect, the light he shines on us would just bounce right off. But the wrinkles, they catch the light. And the cracks, that’s how the light gets inside us. When I pray, Odie, I never pray for perfection. I pray for forgiveness, because it’s the one prayer I know will always be answered.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve (speaker)
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 208-209
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 31 Quotes

“Sometimes, Odie,” Sister Eve went on, “in order for people to reach up and embrace their most profound belief in God, they need to stand on the shoulders of others. That’s what Jed and Mickey and Lois and Gooch do. Their experiences are the shoulders for others to climb on. And, Odie, it works. People come forward and I take their hands and I can feel how powerful their faith is, and that’s what heals them. Not me. Their faith in a great, divine power.”

Related Characters: Sister Eve (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Sid Calloway, Dr. Pfeiffer
Page Number: 241
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

The Vagabonds told the woman they were tired of wandering and asked if they could stay with her, but she looked into them, all the way down to their souls, and knew the true reason for their wandering. They were in search of their hearts’ desires, which were different for each of them, and she knew they would never find what they were looking for if they stayed in the safety of her forest.

Instead, she sent them on an odyssey.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Sister Eve, Mr. Clyde Brickman
Page Number: 257-258
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Drink’s a tough devil to face down. I seen it lay lots of good men low. But, Buck, here’s the thing. If you never make that kind of bet, you’ll never see the good that might come from it.”

“You think it wasn’t a bad idea?”

“Like your brother said, could turn out you’re throwing good money after bad. But me, I admire your leap of faith.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Sister Eve, Mr. Powell Schofield
Page Number: 317-318
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 56 Quotes

This was all my doing, all my fault. This was my curse. I saw now that long before the Tornado God descended and killed Cora Frost and decimated Emmy’s world, that vengeful spirit had attached itself to me and had followed me everywhere. My mother had died. My father had been murdered. I was to blame for all the misery in my life and the lives of everyone I’d ever cared about. Only me. I saw with painful clarity that if I stayed with my brother and Mose and Emmy, I would end up destroying them, too. The realization devastated me, and I stood breathless and alone and terribly afraid.

I fell to my knees and tried to pray to the merciful God Sister Eve had urged me to embrace, prayed desperately for release from this curse, prayed for guidance. But all I felt was my own isolation and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Sister Eve, Cora Frost, Ezekiel O’Banion (Odie’s Father), Rosalee O’Banion (Odie’s Mother)
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 388
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 62 Quotes

“What I’m going to say may sound impossible. But I’ve seen impossible things before, so here goes. Those fits she suffers? I think they may be her attempt at wrestling with what she sees when she looks into the future. I think she might be trying to alter what she sees there.”

That knocked me over. “She changes the future?”

“Maybe just tweaks it a little. Like a good storyteller rewriting the last sentence.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, One-Eyed Jack
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sister Eve Quotes in This Tender Land

The This Tender Land quotes below are all either spoken by Sister Eve or refer to Sister Eve. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 24 Quotes

As the piano player laid down the first few bars, I moved out into the dark of the meadow, sat down, pulled out my mouth organ, and played right along with them. Oh, it was sweet, like being fed after a long hunger, but it filled me in a different way than the free soup and bread earlier that night had. Into every note, I blew out that longing deep inside me. The song was about love, but for me it was about wanting something else. Maybe home. Maybe safety. Maybe certainty. It felt good, in the way I’d sometimes imagined what prayer might feel like if you really believed and poured your heart into it.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve, Sid Calloway, Whisker
Related Symbols: Harmonica
Page Number: 187
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27 Quotes

She laughed and put her arm around my shoulder. “Only God is perfect, Odie. To the rest of us, he gave all kinds of wrinkles and cracks.” She lifted her hair from her cheek, showing me the long scar there. “If we were perfect, the light he shines on us would just bounce right off. But the wrinkles, they catch the light. And the cracks, that’s how the light gets inside us. When I pray, Odie, I never pray for perfection. I pray for forgiveness, because it’s the one prayer I know will always be answered.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve (speaker)
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 208-209
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 31 Quotes

“Sometimes, Odie,” Sister Eve went on, “in order for people to reach up and embrace their most profound belief in God, they need to stand on the shoulders of others. That’s what Jed and Mickey and Lois and Gooch do. Their experiences are the shoulders for others to climb on. And, Odie, it works. People come forward and I take their hands and I can feel how powerful their faith is, and that’s what heals them. Not me. Their faith in a great, divine power.”

Related Characters: Sister Eve (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Sid Calloway, Dr. Pfeiffer
Page Number: 241
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 34 Quotes

The Vagabonds told the woman they were tired of wandering and asked if they could stay with her, but she looked into them, all the way down to their souls, and knew the true reason for their wandering. They were in search of their hearts’ desires, which were different for each of them, and she knew they would never find what they were looking for if they stayed in the safety of her forest.

Instead, she sent them on an odyssey.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Mrs. Thelma Brickman/The Black Witch, Sister Eve, Mr. Clyde Brickman
Page Number: 257-258
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Drink’s a tough devil to face down. I seen it lay lots of good men low. But, Buck, here’s the thing. If you never make that kind of bet, you’ll never see the good that might come from it.”

“You think it wasn’t a bad idea?”

“Like your brother said, could turn out you’re throwing good money after bad. But me, I admire your leap of faith.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Sister Eve, Mr. Powell Schofield
Page Number: 317-318
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 56 Quotes

This was all my doing, all my fault. This was my curse. I saw now that long before the Tornado God descended and killed Cora Frost and decimated Emmy’s world, that vengeful spirit had attached itself to me and had followed me everywhere. My mother had died. My father had been murdered. I was to blame for all the misery in my life and the lives of everyone I’d ever cared about. Only me. I saw with painful clarity that if I stayed with my brother and Mose and Emmy, I would end up destroying them, too. The realization devastated me, and I stood breathless and alone and terribly afraid.

I fell to my knees and tried to pray to the merciful God Sister Eve had urged me to embrace, prayed desperately for release from this curse, prayed for guidance. But all I felt was my own isolation and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Sister Eve, Cora Frost, Ezekiel O’Banion (Odie’s Father), Rosalee O’Banion (Odie’s Mother)
Related Symbols: Tornado
Page Number: 388
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 62 Quotes

“What I’m going to say may sound impossible. But I’ve seen impossible things before, so here goes. Those fits she suffers? I think they may be her attempt at wrestling with what she sees when she looks into the future. I think she might be trying to alter what she sees there.”

That knocked me over. “She changes the future?”

“Maybe just tweaks it a little. Like a good storyteller rewriting the last sentence.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Sister Eve (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, One-Eyed Jack
Page Number: 423
Explanation and Analysis: