This Tender Land

This Tender Land


William Kent Krueger

Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night Character Analysis

Forrest is a Sioux man who encounters Odie, Albert, Mose, and Emmy on their journey along the river. He is Calvin’s brother and Gertie Hellmann’s friend. Forrest guides Mose on his journey of self-discovery, helping him process the violent history of the Sioux people and come to terms with his Native American identity.

Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night Quotes in This Tender Land

The This Tender Land quotes below are all either spoken by Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night or refer to Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Drink’s a tough devil to face down. I seen it lay lots of good men low. But, Buck, here’s the thing. If you never make that kind of bet, you’ll never see the good that might come from it.”

“You think it wasn’t a bad idea?”

“Like your brother said, could turn out you’re throwing good money after bad. But me, I admire your leap of faith.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Sister Eve, Mr. Powell Schofield
Page Number: 317-318
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

Their hands had been tied behind their backs and hoods had been placed over their heads, Mose signed. They couldn’t see one another, so they shouted out their names in order to let the others know they were all there, all together in body and in spirit. They were condemned but not broken. Amdacha was one of these men.

Mose lifted his face, tearstained, to the sky and for a moment could not go on.

Related Characters: Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night
Page Number: 332-333
Explanation and Analysis:
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Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night Quotes in This Tender Land

The This Tender Land quotes below are all either spoken by Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night or refer to Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Chapter 43 Quotes

“Drink’s a tough devil to face down. I seen it lay lots of good men low. But, Buck, here’s the thing. If you never make that kind of bet, you’ll never see the good that might come from it.”

“You think it wasn’t a bad idea?”

“Like your brother said, could turn out you’re throwing good money after bad. But me, I admire your leap of faith.”

Related Characters: Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion (speaker), Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night (speaker), Albert O’Banion, Sister Eve, Mr. Powell Schofield
Page Number: 317-318
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

Their hands had been tied behind their backs and hoods had been placed over their heads, Mose signed. They couldn’t see one another, so they shouted out their names in order to let the others know they were all there, all together in body and in spirit. They were condemned but not broken. Amdacha was one of these men.

Mose lifted his face, tearstained, to the sky and for a moment could not go on.

Related Characters: Moses “Mose” Washington/Amdacha (speaker), Odysseus “Odie” O’Banion, Albert O’Banion, Emmaline “Emmy” Frost, Forrest/Hawk Flies at Night
Page Number: 332-333
Explanation and Analysis: