This Tender Land

This Tender Land


William Kent Krueger

Faria is a rat who lives in the quiet room at Lincoln Indian Training School. Albert names him after a character in The Count of Monte Cristo, and he encourages Odie to get to know the creature so he will be less frightened of it. Frequently sent to the quiet room as punishment, Odie befriends Faria and is devastated when he dies.
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Faria Character Timeline in This Tender Land

The timeline below shows where the character Faria appears in This Tender Land. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
Storytelling, Music, and Hope Theme Icon
Odie’s story begins with an old rat that his brother, Albert, named Faria. Faria lives in the quiet room of Lincoln Indian Training School, which was previously used... (full context)
Chapter 4
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
Storytelling, Music, and Hope Theme Icon Odie’s story: there are really monsters who eat the hearts of children. Odie hears Faria, but he has no crumbs to share with the rat. (full context)
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
God, Fate, and Choice Theme Icon
Storytelling, Music, and Hope Theme Icon
...his brother, though he does not say so aloud. He shares some leftover bread with Faria. Mose signs again that they are lucky. (full context)
Chapter 9
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
Coming of Age and Personal Growth Theme Icon
That night, Odie is in the quiet room when Faria appears, moving slowly. Odie offers Faria some crumbs, but the rat only stares at him.... (full context)
Chapter 10
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
Coming of Age and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Storytelling, Music, and Hope Theme Icon
...boys find Volz and Albert, who were also looking for Odie. Odie tells Albert about Faria dying and about killing DiMarco. Volz assures Odie that he would be dead like Billy... (full context)
Chapter 18
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
Coming of Age and Personal Growth Theme Icon
Storytelling, Music, and Hope Theme Icon
...of rage. After dinner, Jack plays fiddle to accompany Odie’s harmonica. The man is like Faria: less frightening the more Odie gets to know him. Jack’s temper flares when Odie criticizes... (full context)
Chapter 27
Family, Community, and Home Theme Icon
Hardship, Injustice, and Compassion Theme Icon
God, Fate, and Choice Theme Icon
Coming of Age and Personal Growth Theme Icon
...before performing with him. When Odie learns that the rattlesnake eats mice, he thinks of Faria, and his dislike for the snake grows. (full context)