About a Boy


Nick Hornby

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About a Boy: Chapter 15 Summary & Analysis

Now that Marcus is privy to Will’s lie that he’s a single father, he plans to use this valuable information to leverage something equally valuable from Will in the future. He returns to Will’s place, convincing him to let him watch Countdown, a popular quiz show Marcus finds boring but uses as an opportunity to spend more time with Will. After the show, Marcus explores Will’s upscale apartment, taking in his classic movie posters and extensive collection of CDs. He is surprised to learn that Will never went to school, considering he enjoys financial security even without a formal education.
Marcus, planning to use his knowledge of Will’s lie about being a single father against him at some point in the future, visits Will’s flat, where he learns more about Will’s world. Marcus is especially intrigued by Will’s upscale lifestyle, characterized by classic movie posters and a vast CD collection. He also learns that Will enjoys financial security without a formal education, which challenges Marcus’s preconceptions about success and schooling.
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Marcus tells Will that he is the “wrong personality type” for school, recalling how his mum once taught him about personality types and how they are both introverts. When Will responds by asking if kids give him a hard time at school, Marcus is surprised by Will’s perceptiveness but still downplays the bullying. In an effort to help him out, Will suggests Marcus stop letting his mother cut his hair and get a professional haircut instead. Marcus generally sees Will’s point but also thinks that he would let his mum cut his hair forever if it meant she would still be around, even if he doesn’t always like her haircuts.
When Will perceptively asks Marcus about bullying at school, Marcus downplays his troubles so that he doesn’t appear weak in front of his newly adopted father figure. Will’s suggestion for Marcus to have his hair cut by a professional rather than Fiona sparks mixed feelings in Marcus. While he understands where Will is coming from, Marcus values his mother’s continued presence in his life far more than the quality of her haircuts. This interaction showcases the evolving dynamic between Marcus and Will, with Will offering practical advice and Marcus grappling with his emerging sense of self and his loyalty to his mother.
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Over the next few weeks, Marcus continues visiting Will’s flat after school to take his mind off his mum and ease his severe anxiety about potentially returning home to find her unconscious, as he had on the Dead Duck Day. The visits are usually uneventful and are typically spent watching Countdown in relative silence. Sometimes Will tries to make conversation, and even though it can feel a little awkward and forced, Marcus appreciates his effort nonetheless.
Over the following weeks, Marcus continues his visits to Will’s, seeking solace from the constant worry he’s felt about his mother’s mental state since the events of The Dead Duck Day. These visits, though largely uneventful, provide Marcus with a much-needed distraction, and Marcus and Will’s adherence to this routine reflects their budding friendship and closeness. This routine further underscores Marcus’s need for stability and companionship during a tumultuous period in his life, while also showing how Will is evolving—he’s now willing to voluntarily spend time with a 12-year-old and try to help that kid feel better.
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Identity, Pop Culture, and Fitting In Theme Icon