About a Boy


Nick Hornby

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The Dead Duck Day

What Marcus (and Will, eventually) refers to as the “Dead Duck Day” ultimately represents Marcus’s loss of innocence and the inherent unpredictability of life, for better or worse. Initially, Marcus’s unintentional killing of the…

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Kurt Cobain/Nirvana

Throughout the novel, Kurt Cobain and Nirvana symbolize the characters’ longing for connection and understanding as they seek to establish a sense of personal identity. Ellie’s parasocial relationship with Cobain and Nirvana best exemplifies…

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“Santa’s Super Sleigh”

“Santa’s Super Sleigh,” the famous Christmas song written by Will’s dad in 1948, represents Will’s privileged and superficial lifestyle. It also points to his arrested development; at 36, Will still earns his living off…

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The Trainers

The Adidas trainers that Will buys for Marcus to help him fit in at school and avoid bullying symbolizes the difficulties of fitting in. Tormented for his frizzy hair and eccentric style cultivated at the…

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