About a Boy


Nick Hornby

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About a Boy: Chapter 22 Summary & Analysis

Despite his intentions to spend Christmas alone, drinking and smoking into oblivion, Will, for some reason he can’t explain, agrees to spend the holiday with Marcus and Fiona, along with Marcus’s dad, Lindsey, and Lindsey’s mother. Initially puzzled by the jovial group dynamic, as he is accustomed to families not getting along—especially when exes are involved—Will gradually warms to the idea that striving for a happy family once a year isn’t “an entirely contemptible ambition.” At the very least, he’s glad to see Marcus enjoying himself and having a good time, for a change.
Will’s unexpected decision to spend Christmas with Marcus and Fiona’s small family points to his gradual emotional growth. Used to his personal history of holiday-induced isolation, Will is surprised by the group’s jovial atmosphere and harmonious family interactions, especially those involving ex-partners. However, as he spends time with them, he begins to see the value in striving for familial happiness, even if only once a year.
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For Christmas, Will gifts Marcus a Kurt Cobain t-shirt and a Nevermind vinyl copy, and he gifts Fiona a “groovy” and expensive vase. Fiona, meanwhile, gives Will The Single Parent’s Handbook as a joke. Looking at Marcus’s pile of presents, Will notices that Fiona’s gifts for Marcus don’t quite measure up to the nicer, more relevant gifts from his father, Clive. For example, Fiona gives Marcus sheet music to play piano, a hobby he abandoned ages ago. Despite this, Marcus graciously and enthusiastically accepts her gifts to avoid disappointing her, which makes Will finally realize that Marcus is a good, kind kid. Will doesn’t believe he could ever be so “good” simply because he’s far too cynical; after all, he was not raised by a parent like Fiona Brewer.
Will’s thoughtful gifts show his growing understanding and connection to Marcus. The expensive vase for Fiona demonstrates his attempt to engage with her on her preferred level, as the gift is, above all else, practical. Fiona’s humorous gift to Will, The Single Parent’s Handbook, reflects her acceptance of Will’s role in Marcus’s life, albeit with a touch of irony. Will’s observation of the disparity between Fiona’s gifts and those from Marcus’s father highlights Fiona’s struggle to connect with Marcus through material means. But Marcus’s gracious acceptance of his mother’s gifts, despite their slight irrelevance, reveals his kindness and fundamental desire to protect her feelings. This moment marks Will’s realization of Marcus’s inherent goodness, contrasting with his own cynicism and hinting at the positive influence Fiona’s upbringing has had on Marcus.
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