About a Boy


Nick Hornby

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About a Boy: Chapter 17 Summary & Analysis

Fiona fails to notice when Marcus brings home his new trainers, but she certainly notices when he returns from school and he’s barefoot. Marcus explains that the stolen shoes were a gift from Will, and that he’s been spending a lot of time at Will’s flat after school lately, and that Will actually doesn’t have a kid. Fiona grows more and more incredulous. They immediately set off for Will’s so Fiona can confront him about why a 36-year-old man is interested in spending so much time with her 12-year-old son.
Fiona’s initial neglect of Marcus’s new trainers, followed by her alarm when he comes home barefoot, reveals that she is still somewhat distracted. Marcus’s revelations about spending time with Will behind her back and Will not actually being a single father raises Fiona’s suspicions and concerns, setting the stage for an inevitable confrontation and reigniting Fiona’s protective instincts. The scene builds suspense, foreshadowing the upcoming clash between Fiona and Will regarding his involvement in Marcus’s life.
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In front of Marcus, Fiona and Will engage in a heated confrontation. Fiona questions Will’s intentions, while Will defends himself, explaining that Marcus comes by the flat of his own accord. He tries to inform Fiona about the extent of the bullying Marcus experiences at school, but Fiona dismisses his concerns, believing he’s exaggerating and misinformed. Marcus feels disappointed by his mother’s reaction, noting that Will seems to be more supportive than his own mum. Before things can escalate further, Marcus interjects with an impromptu “Cowabunga!”, effectively ending the argument. His mum isn’t perfect, but he doesn’t think she deserves to be yelled at.
During the confrontation, Fiona questions Will’s intentions, reflecting her protective nature and skepticism. Will defends himself, showing his genuine concern for Marcus. He tries to highlight the bullying issue, but Fiona dismisses it, indicating her denial or lack of awareness. Marcus is disappointed in his mother’s reaction, revealing a growing emotional rift between them. His interjection of “Cowabunga!” serves as comic relief and a distraction, diffusing the tension and showing his protective feelings towards his mother despite their differences.
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On the way home, Fiona tells Marcus he is not allowed to see Will anymore, but Marcus privately intends to disobey her. He feels that Will understands him in ways his mum can’t and appreciates the positive influence Will has had on his personal growth in the short time they’ve known one another. Fiona ends the discussion, insisting that she knows what she’s doing as Marcus’s mother and doesn’t need Will’s help with parenting. Marcus assumes this means that Fiona has an established “plan” in place for the both of them, but he isn’t sure that he can trust her judgment anymore. He contemplates whether he should begin forging his own path in life and “be his own mother.”
Fiona’s ban on Marcus seeing Will reflects her best attempt to reassert control and effectively parent Marcus. However, Marcus’s internal rebellion highlights his growing independence and appreciation for Will’s unique brand of support, which is especially welcome given his mother’s increasing unreliability. Fiona’s insistence on her parental competence signifies her struggle to maintain authority, and it also points to her lack of confidence regarding whether she is doing a good job raising Marcus. Marcus’s subsequent doubt about her judgment and his contemplation of self-reliance mark a critical turning point in his development, signaling the beginning of his journey towards autonomy and self-discovery.
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Marcus starts paying close attention to everything his mum says and does, wondering how much of it is part of her “plan.” One day, it occurs to Marcus to ask his mum why she forces him to abide by a vegetarian diet when he might prefer to eat meat. He questions whether her decisions, like the vegetarianism and prohibiting McDonald’s, are actually in his best interest or are merely imposed because of her own beliefs. When he tells his mum he wants to keep visiting Will and she refuses, Marcus resorts to a desperate measure he knows his mother will be unable to ignore: he tells Fiona he needs a father. These words both silence her and move her to tears, officially “winning” the argument for Marcus.
Based on Fiona’s assertion that she knows what she’s doing and Marcus’s ensuing conclusion that she actually doesn’t, Marcus begins to critically assess his mother’s decisions. This signifies his developing sense of individuality and increasing desire for autonomy. His plea to continue visiting Will coupled with his tactical declaration of needing a father highlight the extent of his longing for a male role model and practical guidance, which he feels his mother cannot provide. This desperate appeal impacts Fiona deeply, pointing to the deep emotional currents underlying their relationship. Marcus’s “victory” in this argument represents a significant moment in asserting his needs and shaping his identity.
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Alienation and Mental Illness Theme Icon
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