Julie of the Wolves


Jean Craighead George

Amaroq is the leader of the wolf pack Miyax joins when she is lost in the Arctic tundra. He is large, black, and regal. In Amaroq, Miyax sees the traits she most admires in her father, Kapugen: bravery, wisdom, and an innate ability to lead and command the respect of others. Amaroq becomes something of a stand-in for Kapugen, and Miyax refers to the wolf as her “adopted father.” Although Amaroq is initially suspicious of Miyax, he accepts her into his pack after she proves that she can communicate with them and follow the rules of their wolf society. Once Miyax is a member of Amaroq’s wolf pack, he gives her the same protection he gives the others. As such, he defends Miyax against Jello, the antisocial lone wolf who repeatedly antagonizes her, eventually killing Jello in retaliation. Miyax sees Amaroq’s violence not as abuse of his power, but as an action he must take to protect the integrity of his community. Kapugen once told Miyax that a wolf pack will turn on a lone wolf that steals food from the pack’s pups, explaining that “there is no room in the wolf society for an animal who cannot contribute.” Miyax thus interprets Amaroq’s decision to turn on Jello as a decision to protect his community against Jello, who “cannot contribute” to it. Amaroq tragically dies after gussak (white) hunters shoot him from an airplane. His death is particularly horrific because the hunters fail to retrieve his body to collect a bounty, as is often their custom. Instead, the hunters leave Amaroq’s body behind, effectively killing him for no reason at all. Since Miyax develops a deep bond with the wolves over the course of their journey together, Amaroq’s death affects her deeply. In a song she sings before reluctantly returning to Kangik to live a modernized life with Kapugen, Miyax equates the death of Amaroq with the death of Inuit traditions, insinuating that gussak society has killed them both.

Amaroq Quotes in Julie of the Wolves

The Julie of the Wolves quotes below are all either spoken by Amaroq or refer to Amaroq. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans vs. Nature  Theme Icon
Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf Quotes

Not a tree grew anywhere to break the monotony of the gold-green plain, for the soils of the tundra are permanently frozen. Only moss, grass, lichens, and a few hardy flowers take root in the thin upper layer that thaws briefly in summer. Nor do many species of animals live in this rigorous land, but those creatures that do dwell here exist in bountiful numbers.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

Here she was, watching wolves—she, Miyax, daughter of Kapugen, adopted child of Martha, citizen of the United States, pupil at the Bureau of Indian Affairs School in Barrow, Alaska, and thirteen-year-old wife of the boy Daniel. She shivered at the thought of Daniel, for it was he who had driven her to this fate. She had run away from him exactly seven sleeps ago, and because of this she had one more title by gussak standards—the child divorcée.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Daniel, Martha
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

Amaroq got to his feet, and as he slowly arose he seemed to fill the sky and blot out the sun. He was enormous. He could swallow her without even chewing. “But he won’t,” she reminded herself. “Wolves do not eat people. That’s gussak talk. Kapugen said wolves are gentle brothers.”

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards (speaker), Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis:

He must indeed be their leader for he was clearly the wealthy wolf; that is, wealthy as she had known the meaning of the word on Nunivak Island. There the old Eskimo hunters she had known in her childhood thought the riches of life were intelligence, fearlessness, and love. A man with these gifts was rich and was a great spirit who was admired in the same way that the gussaks admired a man with money and goods.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:

The signal went off. It sped through his body and triggered emotions of love. Amaroq’s ears flattened and his tail wagged in friendship. He could not react in any other way to the chin pat, for the roots of this signal lay deep in wolf history. It was inherited from generations and generations of leaders before him. As his eyes softened, the sweet odor of ambrosia arose from the gland on the top of his tail and she was drenched lightly in wolf scent. Miyax was one of the pack.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq
Page Number: 24-25
Explanation and Analysis:

“Change your ways when fear seizes,” he had said, “for it usually means you are doing something wrong.”

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq, Daniel
Page Number: 42
Explanation and Analysis:

Miyax at last was sure of what had happened to Jello. He was the low man on the totem pole, the bottom of the ladder. She recalled the day Amaroq had put him down and forced him to surrender, the many times Silver had made him go back and sit with the pups, and the times that Kapu had ignored his calls to come home to the den. He was indeed a lowly wolf—a poor spirit, with fears and without friends.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Kapu, Jello, Silver
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: Miyax, the girl Quotes

Later, Kapugen’s Aunt Martha told her that he had lost his mind the day her mother died. He had grabbed Miyax up and walked out of his fine house in Mekoryuk. He had left his important job as manager of the reindeer herd, and he had left all his possessions. “He walked you all the way to seal camp,” Martha told her. “And he never did anything good after that.”

Related Characters: Martha (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Miyax’s Mother
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:

“Wolves are brotherly,” he said. “They love each other, and if you learn to speak to them, they will love you too.”

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: Kapugen, the Hunter Quotes

Instantly she knew what had happened; Amaroq had turned on him. Once Kapugen had told her that some wolves had tolerated a lone wolf until the day he stole meat from the pups. With that, the leader gave a signal and his pack turned, struck, and tore the lone wolf to pieces. “There is no room in the wolf society for an animal who cannot contribute,” he had said.

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq, Jello
Page Number: 121
Explanation and Analysis:

The gussaks were paid to shoot them. A man who brought in the left ear of a wolf to the warden was rewarded with a bounty of fifty dollars. The bounty was evil to the old men at seal camp, for it encouraged killing for money, rather than need. Kapugen considered the bounty the gussaks’ way of deciding that the amaroqs could not live on this earth anymore. “And no men have that right,” he would say. “When the wolves are gone there will be too many caribou grazing the grass and the lemmings will starve. Without the lemmings the foxes and birds and weasels will die. Their passing will end smaller lives upon which even man depends, whether he knows it or not, and the top of the world will pass into silence.”

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 133-134
Explanation and Analysis:

When she thought of San Francisco, she thought about the airplane and the fire and blood and the flashes and death. When she took out her needle and sewed, she thought about peace and Amaroq.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq, Amy Pollock, Daniel
Page Number: 152
Explanation and Analysis:

Julie pointed her boots toward Kapugen.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Tornait , Daniel
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis:
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Amaroq Quotes in Julie of the Wolves

The Julie of the Wolves quotes below are all either spoken by Amaroq or refer to Amaroq. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans vs. Nature  Theme Icon
Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf Quotes

Not a tree grew anywhere to break the monotony of the gold-green plain, for the soils of the tundra are permanently frozen. Only moss, grass, lichens, and a few hardy flowers take root in the thin upper layer that thaws briefly in summer. Nor do many species of animals live in this rigorous land, but those creatures that do dwell here exist in bountiful numbers.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

Here she was, watching wolves—she, Miyax, daughter of Kapugen, adopted child of Martha, citizen of the United States, pupil at the Bureau of Indian Affairs School in Barrow, Alaska, and thirteen-year-old wife of the boy Daniel. She shivered at the thought of Daniel, for it was he who had driven her to this fate. She had run away from him exactly seven sleeps ago, and because of this she had one more title by gussak standards—the child divorcée.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Daniel, Martha
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

Amaroq got to his feet, and as he slowly arose he seemed to fill the sky and blot out the sun. He was enormous. He could swallow her without even chewing. “But he won’t,” she reminded herself. “Wolves do not eat people. That’s gussak talk. Kapugen said wolves are gentle brothers.”

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards (speaker), Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis:

He must indeed be their leader for he was clearly the wealthy wolf; that is, wealthy as she had known the meaning of the word on Nunivak Island. There the old Eskimo hunters she had known in her childhood thought the riches of life were intelligence, fearlessness, and love. A man with these gifts was rich and was a great spirit who was admired in the same way that the gussaks admired a man with money and goods.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:

The signal went off. It sped through his body and triggered emotions of love. Amaroq’s ears flattened and his tail wagged in friendship. He could not react in any other way to the chin pat, for the roots of this signal lay deep in wolf history. It was inherited from generations and generations of leaders before him. As his eyes softened, the sweet odor of ambrosia arose from the gland on the top of his tail and she was drenched lightly in wolf scent. Miyax was one of the pack.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq
Page Number: 24-25
Explanation and Analysis:

“Change your ways when fear seizes,” he had said, “for it usually means you are doing something wrong.”

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq, Daniel
Page Number: 42
Explanation and Analysis:

Miyax at last was sure of what had happened to Jello. He was the low man on the totem pole, the bottom of the ladder. She recalled the day Amaroq had put him down and forced him to surrender, the many times Silver had made him go back and sit with the pups, and the times that Kapu had ignored his calls to come home to the den. He was indeed a lowly wolf—a poor spirit, with fears and without friends.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Kapu, Jello, Silver
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: Miyax, the girl Quotes

Later, Kapugen’s Aunt Martha told her that he had lost his mind the day her mother died. He had grabbed Miyax up and walked out of his fine house in Mekoryuk. He had left his important job as manager of the reindeer herd, and he had left all his possessions. “He walked you all the way to seal camp,” Martha told her. “And he never did anything good after that.”

Related Characters: Martha (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Miyax’s Mother
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:

“Wolves are brotherly,” he said. “They love each other, and if you learn to speak to them, they will love you too.”

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: Kapugen, the Hunter Quotes

Instantly she knew what had happened; Amaroq had turned on him. Once Kapugen had told her that some wolves had tolerated a lone wolf until the day he stole meat from the pups. With that, the leader gave a signal and his pack turned, struck, and tore the lone wolf to pieces. “There is no room in the wolf society for an animal who cannot contribute,” he had said.

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq, Jello
Page Number: 121
Explanation and Analysis:

The gussaks were paid to shoot them. A man who brought in the left ear of a wolf to the warden was rewarded with a bounty of fifty dollars. The bounty was evil to the old men at seal camp, for it encouraged killing for money, rather than need. Kapugen considered the bounty the gussaks’ way of deciding that the amaroqs could not live on this earth anymore. “And no men have that right,” he would say. “When the wolves are gone there will be too many caribou grazing the grass and the lemmings will starve. Without the lemmings the foxes and birds and weasels will die. Their passing will end smaller lives upon which even man depends, whether he knows it or not, and the top of the world will pass into silence.”

Related Characters: Kapugen/Charlie Edwards (speaker), Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq
Page Number: 133-134
Explanation and Analysis:

When she thought of San Francisco, she thought about the airplane and the fire and blood and the flashes and death. When she took out her needle and sewed, she thought about peace and Amaroq.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Amaroq, Amy Pollock, Daniel
Page Number: 152
Explanation and Analysis:

Julie pointed her boots toward Kapugen.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Tornait , Daniel
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis: