Julie of the Wolves


Jean Craighead George

Bureau of Indian Affairs Term Analysis

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is a U.S. federal agency that was founded in 1824. The agency implements and regulates laws relating to American Indians and Alaska Natives. One of its more controversial policies was the establishment of federally funded boarding schools designed to forcibly assimilate indigenous children into Anglo-American culture.

Bureau of Indian Affairs Quotes in Julie of the Wolves

The Julie of the Wolves quotes below are all either spoken by Bureau of Indian Affairs or refer to Bureau of Indian Affairs. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans vs. Nature  Theme Icon
Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf Quotes

Here she was, watching wolves—she, Miyax, daughter of Kapugen, adopted child of Martha, citizen of the United States, pupil at the Bureau of Indian Affairs School in Barrow, Alaska, and thirteen-year-old wife of the boy Daniel. She shivered at the thought of Daniel, for it was he who had driven her to this fate. She had run away from him exactly seven sleeps ago, and because of this she had one more title by gussak standards—the child divorcée.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Daniel, Martha
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: Miyax, the girl Quotes

“What a lovely i’noGo tied!” Julie said politely. “A what?” asked Judith. Julie repeated the Eskimo word for the house of the spirits. Judith snickered. “That’s a charm bracelet,” she said. Rose giggled and both laughed derisively. Julie felt the blood rush to her face as she met, for the first but not the last time, the new attitudes of the Americanized Eskimos. She had much to learn besides reading. That night she threw her i’noGo tied away.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards (speaker), Judith (speaker), Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Martha, Rose
Related Symbols: I’noGo Tied
Page Number: 85-86
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: Kapugen, the Hunter Quotes

Julie pointed her boots toward Kapugen.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Tornait , Daniel
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bureau of Indian Affairs Term Timeline in Julie of the Wolves

The timeline below shows where the term Bureau of Indian Affairs appears in Julie of the Wolves. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf
Humans vs. Nature  Theme Icon
Tradition vs. Assimilation  Theme Icon
...of Kapugen, and the adopted daughter of Martha. She’s a U.S. citizen and attends the Bureau of Indian Affairs school in Barrow. She’s married to a boy named Daniel, who is also the reason... (full context)
Part 2: Miyax, the girl
Memory and Disillusionment  Theme Icon
Tradition vs. Assimilation  Theme Icon
Naka finally calls. The head of the Indian Affairs in Mekoryuk comes to Martha’s house and informs her that Naka has written to send... (full context)