Julie of the Wolves


Jean Craighead George

Kapu Character Analysis

Kapu is one of Amaroq and Silver’s wolf pups. In addition to being the first wolf to approach Miyax, Kapu is also the wolf with whom Miyax shares the closest bond. Kapu’s bravery prompts Miyax to name him after her father, Kapugen. In Kapu, Miyax also sees her father’s innate ability to lead, and she predicts (correctly) that Kapu will one day be the leader of the pack. In Miyax’s Inuit culture, people have “joking partners,” or people with whom they have fun, and “serious partners,” or people with whom they work. Miyax decides that she and Kapu are “joking-serious partners,” fulfilling both roles for each other. Although Miyax and Kapu play together, they also look after each other. For instance, Kapu brings Miyax a leg of caribou when she needs food, and Miyax tends to Kapu’s wounds after gussak hunters shoot and severely injure him. After hunters kill Amaroq, Kapu becomes the leader of his wolf pack. At the end of the novel, Miyax makes the painful decision to leave Kapu and the other wolves to go to “[her] own Amaroq,” abandoning the love and acceptance she found among the wolves for an uncertain future with Kapugen in the village of Kangik.

Kapu Quotes in Julie of the Wolves

The Julie of the Wolves quotes below are all either spoken by Kapu or refer to Kapu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans vs. Nature  Theme Icon
Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf Quotes

Miyax at last was sure of what had happened to Jello. He was the low man on the totem pole, the bottom of the ladder. She recalled the day Amaroq had put him down and forced him to surrender, the many times Silver had made him go back and sit with the pups, and the times that Kapu had ignored his calls to come home to the den. He was indeed a lowly wolf—a poor spirit, with fears and without friends.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Kapu, Jello, Silver
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis:
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Kapu Quotes in Julie of the Wolves

The Julie of the Wolves quotes below are all either spoken by Kapu or refer to Kapu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans vs. Nature  Theme Icon
Part 1: Amaroq, the wolf Quotes

Miyax at last was sure of what had happened to Jello. He was the low man on the totem pole, the bottom of the ladder. She recalled the day Amaroq had put him down and forced him to surrender, the many times Silver had made him go back and sit with the pups, and the times that Kapu had ignored his calls to come home to the den. He was indeed a lowly wolf—a poor spirit, with fears and without friends.

Related Characters: Miyax Kapugen/Julie Edwards , Kapugen/Charlie Edwards, Amaroq, Kapu, Jello, Silver
Page Number: 68
Explanation and Analysis: