The Gulag Archipelago

The Gulag Archipelago


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

General Andrei Vlasov Character Analysis

General Vlasov, a former Soviet military commander, turned into a controversial figure during World War II after German forces captured him in 1942. Disillusioned with Stalin’s regime, Vlasov allied with Nazi Germany and led the Russian Liberation Army, known as the Vlasovites. This group, made up largely of Soviet prisoners of war and defectors, sought to fight against Stalin’s rule, framing their collaboration as a struggle for a free and democratic Russia. Despite their efforts, German authorities distrusted Vlasov and his troops, which limited their effectiveness. As the war drew to a close, Soviet forces captured Vlasov and executed him in 1946 for treason.

General Andrei Vlasov Quotes in The Gulag Archipelago

The The Gulag Archipelago quotes below are all either spoken by General Andrei Vlasov or refer to General Andrei Vlasov. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Oppression and Totalitarianism Theme Icon
Part 1, Chapter 6: That Spring Quotes

Now, a quarter of a century later, when most of the Vlasov men have perished in camps and those who have survived are living out their lives in the Far North, I would like to issue a reminder, through these pages, that this was a phenomenon totally unheard of in all world history: that several hundred thousand young men, aged twenty to thirty, took up arms against their Fatherland as allies of its most evil enemy. Perhaps there is something to ponder here: Who was more to blame, those youths or the gray Fatherland? One cannot explain this treason biologically. It has to have had a social cause.

Because, as the old proverb says: Well-fed horses don’t rampage.

Then picture to yourself a field in which starved, neglected, crazed horses are rampaging back and forth.

Related Characters: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (speaker), Joseph Stalin, General Andrei Vlasov
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
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General Andrei Vlasov Quotes in The Gulag Archipelago

The The Gulag Archipelago quotes below are all either spoken by General Andrei Vlasov or refer to General Andrei Vlasov. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Oppression and Totalitarianism Theme Icon
Part 1, Chapter 6: That Spring Quotes

Now, a quarter of a century later, when most of the Vlasov men have perished in camps and those who have survived are living out their lives in the Far North, I would like to issue a reminder, through these pages, that this was a phenomenon totally unheard of in all world history: that several hundred thousand young men, aged twenty to thirty, took up arms against their Fatherland as allies of its most evil enemy. Perhaps there is something to ponder here: Who was more to blame, those youths or the gray Fatherland? One cannot explain this treason biologically. It has to have had a social cause.

Because, as the old proverb says: Well-fed horses don’t rampage.

Then picture to yourself a field in which starved, neglected, crazed horses are rampaging back and forth.

Related Characters: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (speaker), Joseph Stalin, General Andrei Vlasov
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis: