The Gulag Archipelago

The Gulag Archipelago


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel Character Analysis

Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel was a key architect of the Soviet labor camp system, who played a pivotal role in transforming the Gulag into an instrument of economic productivity. A former prisoner himself, he rose to prominence by proposing that camp inmates' labor output should directly affect their food rations, a policy that increased camp efficiency but led to extreme suffering among prisoners. Frenkel oversaw major projects like the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, where countless inmates perished under brutal conditions.
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Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel Character Timeline in The Gulag Archipelago

The timeline below shows where the character Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel appears in The Gulag Archipelago. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3, Chapter 3: The Archipelago Metastasizes
Oppression and Totalitarianism Theme Icon
The Dangers of Ideology Theme Icon
The infamous Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel played a pivotal role in shaping this system. Initially a wealthy timber merchant and Soviet... (full context)