

R. F. Kuang

Anthony is a well-liked postgraduate student at Babel when Robin, Ramy, Victoire, and Letty first arrive. He was enslaved when he was younger and is emancipated when he comes to Oxford. Midway through the novel, Anthony fakes his own disappearance so that he can dedicate himself more fully to the Hermes Society, a clandestine, anti-colonialist group. The novel contrasts Anthony with Griffin. While Griffin believes the Society must use violence to combat the British Empire, Anthony advocates for using mostly nonviolent tactics in that fight. Anthony recruits Ramy and Victoire into the Hermes Society. He is killed by the police after Letty betrays the Society and tells authorities where its members are hiding.

Anthony Quotes in Babel

The Babel quotes below are all either spoken by Anthony or refer to Anthony. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Chapter 23 Quotes

‘You can’t appeal to their inner goodness. I have never met an Englishman I trusted to do the right thing out of sympathy.’

‘Well,’ said Robin, ‘there’s Letty.’

‘Yes,’ said Anthony after a pause. ‘I suppose there’s Letty. But she’s a rare case, isn’t she?’

‘Then what’s our path forward?’ asked Robin. ‘Then what’s the point of any of this?’

‘The point is to build a coalition,’ said Anthony. ‘And it needs to include unlikely sympathizers.’

Related Characters: Robin (speaker), Anthony (speaker), Letty, Griffin
Page Number: 403
Explanation and Analysis:
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Anthony Quotes in Babel

The Babel quotes below are all either spoken by Anthony or refer to Anthony. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Chapter 23 Quotes

‘You can’t appeal to their inner goodness. I have never met an Englishman I trusted to do the right thing out of sympathy.’

‘Well,’ said Robin, ‘there’s Letty.’

‘Yes,’ said Anthony after a pause. ‘I suppose there’s Letty. But she’s a rare case, isn’t she?’

‘Then what’s our path forward?’ asked Robin. ‘Then what’s the point of any of this?’

‘The point is to build a coalition,’ said Anthony. ‘And it needs to include unlikely sympathizers.’

Related Characters: Robin (speaker), Anthony (speaker), Letty, Griffin
Page Number: 403
Explanation and Analysis: