

R. F. Kuang

Evie is a former student at Babel in Sterling and Griffin’s cohort who was noted for being especially brilliant. Griffin killed her with a silver bar after she told him that she was involved in a plot to take down the Hermes Society. Robin ultimately uses the same silver bar to kill Professor Lovell.
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Evie Character Timeline in Babel

The timeline below shows where the character Evie appears in Babel. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Race, Gender, and Intersectionality Theme Icon
Violence and Nonviolence Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon release the magic of silver bars). Another person who discovered several match-pairs is named Evie Brooke. Robin and his cohort determine that she would have graduated in the same year... (full context)
Chapter 14
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Race, Gender, and Intersectionality Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon
...the party, Robin, Ramy, Letty, and Victoire walk through a nearby graveyard. There, they find Evie Brooke’s grave. She died five years ago. (full context)
Chapter 15
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Violence and Nonviolence Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon
...which Lovell takes as a confession. He asks Robin if he knows what happened to Evie Brooke. Robin says no. Lovell says that Griffin murdered her when he had been stealing... (full context)
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Violence and Nonviolence Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon St. Aldate’s. Robin moves to give Lovell back the silver bar used to murder Evie, but Lovell tells Robin to keep it. It will help to remind Robin who the... (full context)
Chapter 16
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Race, Gender, and Intersectionality Theme Icon
Violence and Nonviolence Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon
...recruited them a few months ago. Robin explains that Professor Lovell said that Griffin killed Evie Brooke. Ramy asks Robin if he believes Professor Lovell, and Robin says he does. (full context)
Chapter 18
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Race, Gender, and Intersectionality Theme Icon
Violence and Nonviolence Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon
...mimics him. In his pocket, Robin finds the silver bar that Griffin used to kill Evie, which Lovell had given him. He takes out the bar and presses it against Lovell... (full context)
Chapter 22
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Language, Translation, and Power Theme Icon
Violence and Nonviolence Theme Icon
Complicity Theme Icon to shoot it. Robin is reluctant and then he asks Griffin why he killed Evie in cold blood. Griffin says that’s not what happened. Instead, Griffin says, Evie had engaged... (full context)