

R. F. Kuang

Commissioner Lin Character Analysis

Commissioner Lin is a representative from the Chinese government who Mr. Baylis negotiates with in Canton. Mr. Baylis attempts to convince Commissioner Lin to allow British companies to import opium into China. Because of opium’s harmful impacts, and because China has a law prohibiting the import of opium, Commissioner Lin rejects Mr. Baylis’s bid. After Robin tells Commissioner Lin that there is no point in negotiating with people like Mr. Baylis or the company he represents because they are racist and aim to exploit Chinese people, Commissioner Lin burns the opium that has been confiscated from British companies.

Commissioner Lin Quotes in Babel

The Babel quotes below are all either spoken by Commissioner Lin or refer to Commissioner Lin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Chapter 18 Quotes

It was so obvious now that he was not, and could never be, a person in his father’s eyes. No, personhood demanded the blood purity of the European man, the racial status that would make him Professor Lovell’s equal. Little Dick and Philippa were persons. Robin Swift was an asset, and assets should be undyingly grateful that they were treated well at all.

Related Characters: Robin, Professor Lovell, Commissioner Lin, Robin’s Mother
Page Number: 319
Explanation and Analysis:
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Commissioner Lin Quotes in Babel

The Babel quotes below are all either spoken by Commissioner Lin or refer to Commissioner Lin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Chapter 18 Quotes

It was so obvious now that he was not, and could never be, a person in his father’s eyes. No, personhood demanded the blood purity of the European man, the racial status that would make him Professor Lovell’s equal. Little Dick and Philippa were persons. Robin Swift was an asset, and assets should be undyingly grateful that they were treated well at all.

Related Characters: Robin, Professor Lovell, Commissioner Lin, Robin’s Mother
Page Number: 319
Explanation and Analysis: