

R. F. Kuang

Sterling Jones Character Analysis

Sterling Jones is a star member of the Babel faculty. He was in the same cohort as Griffin when they were both students at Babel. As a character, Sterling represents the racism and assumed superiority shared by many of the White faculty and students at Babel and Oxford. Both Sterling and Letty cling to their privilege instead of reckoning with the injustices of the world. Robin also points out that Sterling, like Letty, lacks the capacity to empathize with people who don’t look or talk like him. Near the end of the novel, Sterling and Griffin kill each other.

Sterling Jones Quotes in Babel

The Babel quotes below are all either spoken by Sterling Jones or refer to Sterling Jones. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Chapter 24 Quotes

Sterling Jones was just the same as Letty, except without the shallow sympathy of purported friendship. They both thought this was a matter of individual fortunes instead of systematic oppression, and neither could see outside the perspective of people who looked and spoke just like them.

Related Characters: Robin, Letty, Victoire, Sterling Jones
Page Number: 415-416
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sterling Jones Quotes in Babel

The Babel quotes below are all either spoken by Sterling Jones or refer to Sterling Jones. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Colonization and Racism Theme Icon
Chapter 24 Quotes

Sterling Jones was just the same as Letty, except without the shallow sympathy of purported friendship. They both thought this was a matter of individual fortunes instead of systematic oppression, and neither could see outside the perspective of people who looked and spoke just like them.

Related Characters: Robin, Letty, Victoire, Sterling Jones
Page Number: 415-416
Explanation and Analysis: