Chasing the Scream

Chasing the Scream


Johann Hari

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João Figueira Character Analysis

Figueira is the policeman who runs Portugal’s top drug control agency. During Portugal’s era of drug prohibition, Figueira strongly opposed decriminalization: he thought that repression, marginalization, and force were the only ways to reduce drug use and addiction. However, after the government implemented decriminalization, he was shocked to see it dramatically reduce addiction, overdose deaths, new HIV cases, teenage drug use, and especially drug-related crime. Figueira’s transformation also shows how it’s possible for policymakers and drug war advocates to switch sides once they see clear evidence that decriminalization works.

João Figueira Quotes in Chasing the Scream

The Chasing the Scream quotes below are all either spoken by João Figueira or refer to João Figueira . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Chapter 16 Quotes

We all—the vast majority of drug warriors, and the vast majority of legalizers—have a set of shared values. We all want to protect children from drugs. We all want to keep people from dying as a result of drug use. We all want to reduce addiction. […] When we move beyond the drug war, we will be able to achieve those shared goals with much greater success.

At the start of my journey, I set out to find an answer to a contradiction within myself, and within our culture—between the impulse to be compassionate to addicts, and the impulse to crush and destroy our addictive impulses. Now, at last, I see—and really feel—that it is not a contradiction at all. A compassionate approach leads to less addiction. […] This isn’t a debate about values. It’s a debate about how to achieve those values.

Related Characters: Johann Hari (speaker), Harry Anslinger , João Figueira
Page Number: 252
Explanation and Analysis:
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João Figueira Quotes in Chasing the Scream

The Chasing the Scream quotes below are all either spoken by João Figueira or refer to João Figueira . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Chapter 16 Quotes

We all—the vast majority of drug warriors, and the vast majority of legalizers—have a set of shared values. We all want to protect children from drugs. We all want to keep people from dying as a result of drug use. We all want to reduce addiction. […] When we move beyond the drug war, we will be able to achieve those shared goals with much greater success.

At the start of my journey, I set out to find an answer to a contradiction within myself, and within our culture—between the impulse to be compassionate to addicts, and the impulse to crush and destroy our addictive impulses. Now, at last, I see—and really feel—that it is not a contradiction at all. A compassionate approach leads to less addiction. […] This isn’t a debate about values. It’s a debate about how to achieve those values.

Related Characters: Johann Hari (speaker), Harry Anslinger , João Figueira
Page Number: 252
Explanation and Analysis: