Chasing the Scream

Chasing the Scream


Johann Hari

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Louis McKay Character Analysis

Louis McKay was Billie Holiday’s abusive husband. A mobster who started out as her pimp when she was only a teenager, McKay eventually pressured her into marrying him. When she left him, he colluded with Harry Anslinger to get her arrested. McKay also frequently beat Holiday, profited off of her fame, and stole her money, leaving her to die penniless and alone.
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Louis McKay Character Timeline in Chasing the Scream

The timeline below shows where the character Louis McKay appears in Chasing the Scream. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: The Black Hand
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Addiction and Human Connection Theme Icon
Stories and Human Psychology Theme Icon
...available work; she was only 14 and was nearly starving to death. Her vicious pimp Louis McKay beat her mercilessly, and she was sent back to prison. After getting out, she started... (full context)
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Addiction and Human Connection Theme Icon
Prohibition and the Cycle of Violence Theme Icon
Stories and Human Psychology Theme Icon
...her. But Anslinger still managed to get to Holiday. When Holiday finally broke up with Louis McKay , he furiously contacted Anslinger and agreed to help plant drugs on her and bust... (full context)