Chasing the Scream

Chasing the Scream


Johann Hari

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Chasing the Scream makes teaching easy.
Liz Evans is a nurse from Vancouver who started the Portland Hotel Society, an organization that gives drug addicts free, stable housing and treatment—even if they continue to use drugs. Hari argues that policymakers and treatment providers should adopt Evans’s perspective towards drug users: they should focus on creating the safe, comfortable spaces and social connections that can help drug users heal their trauma and reintegrate into society.

Liz Evans Quotes in Chasing the Scream

The Chasing the Scream quotes below are all either spoken by Liz Evans or refer to Liz Evans . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

One night, Hannah came back to the Portland shaking, with blood seeping from a blow to her head. “I remember picking her up and holding her in my arms like a little child” and carrying her to her room, Liz told me. Hannah stammered that she had been beaten and raped. “And I remember just listening to her say to me, over and over again, ‘It’s my fault. I deserve this. It’s my fault. I’m a bad person.’” And on the little table beside Hannah, there was her alcohol, and her heroin, and a needle. And Liz—who has never wanted to use drugs—looked at them and looked at Hannah and thought:

“Which of these things on your bedside table can I give you to take your pain away?”

“And that was the moment I understood what addiction did for people,” she tells me.

Related Characters: Johann Hari (speaker), Liz Evans (speaker), Hannah
Page Number: 162
Explanation and Analysis:
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Liz Evans Quotes in Chasing the Scream

The Chasing the Scream quotes below are all either spoken by Liz Evans or refer to Liz Evans . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

One night, Hannah came back to the Portland shaking, with blood seeping from a blow to her head. “I remember picking her up and holding her in my arms like a little child” and carrying her to her room, Liz told me. Hannah stammered that she had been beaten and raped. “And I remember just listening to her say to me, over and over again, ‘It’s my fault. I deserve this. It’s my fault. I’m a bad person.’” And on the little table beside Hannah, there was her alcohol, and her heroin, and a needle. And Liz—who has never wanted to use drugs—looked at them and looked at Hannah and thought:

“Which of these things on your bedside table can I give you to take your pain away?”

“And that was the moment I understood what addiction did for people,” she tells me.

Related Characters: Johann Hari (speaker), Liz Evans (speaker), Hannah
Page Number: 162
Explanation and Analysis: