Chasing the Scream

Chasing the Scream


Johann Hari

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The Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, or VANDU for short, is the Downtown Eastside-based nonprofit activist group that Bud Osborn founded in 1997.

VANDU Quotes in Chasing the Scream

The Chasing the Scream quotes below are all either spoken by VANDU or refer to VANDU. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Chapter 14 Quotes

“To see people’s faces and how they changed—they saw, I have worth, I have value. I’m able to help somebody else. I’m no longer just what they call me in the newspapers. […] If we’re off demonstrating, we’re having board meetings deciding what to do, and thinking about what our next actions could be, how is so and so doing, how can we help so and so because he got busted again—all that’s taking you away from just being totally fixed on ‘I got to get a drug, I got to get a drug, drug drug drug.’”

Related Characters: Bud Osborn (speaker), Bruce Alexander
Related Symbols: Screaming
Page Number: 199
Explanation and Analysis:
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VANDU Term Timeline in Chasing the Scream

The timeline below shows where the term VANDU appears in Chasing the Scream. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 14: The Drug Addicts’ Uprising
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Addiction and Human Connection Theme Icon
Prohibition and the Cycle of Violence Theme Icon
Stories and Human Psychology Theme Icon
...his group formalized their organization, naming it the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (or VANDU). They put a thousand wooden crosses in a public park to represent the thousand people... (full context)
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Addiction and Human Connection Theme Icon
Prohibition and the Cycle of Violence Theme Icon
Stories and Human Psychology Theme Icon
To satisfy VANDU, the city gave Bud Osborn a seat on the board. While the rest of the... (full context)
Drug Legalization and U.S. Policy Theme Icon
Prohibition and the Cycle of Violence Theme Icon
Stories and Human Psychology Theme Icon
Vancouver still faced a serious overdose problem, so VANDU got the city to declare its first ever public health emergency. While city leaders knew... (full context)