


Thomas Hobbes

Samuel Character Analysis

Samuel is a biblical figure from the Old Testament who plays a key role in the transfer of God’s Kingdom in Israel to Saul, and later to David. Hobbes maintains that the Books of Samuel in the Old Testament were written long after the life of Samuel, which negatively affects the authority of Holy Scripture in Hobbes’s opinion. As the authorship of Holy Scripture can never be certain, one must fine authority within God’s message itself, not the language and stories of others.
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Samuel Character Timeline in Leviathan

The timeline below shows where the character Samuel appears in Leviathan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 20: Of Dominion PATERNALL, and DESPOTICALL
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...we dye.” The children of Israel were completely obedient to Moses, not God. According to Samuel, God said: “This shall be the Right of the King you will have reign over... (full context)
Chapter 33: of the Number, Antiquity, Scope, Authority, and Interpreters of the Books of Holy SCRIPTURE
Religion Theme Icon
Reason, Fact, and Philosophy  Theme Icon
...and the Book of Ruth were written after their time, as were the Books of Samuel, which claim Samuel made an edict to Israel “to this day.” These words again imply... (full context)
Chapter 35: Of the Signification in Scripture of KINGDOME OF GOD, of HOLY, SACRED, and SACRAMENT
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
God as King is reflected in many places in Holy Scripture. In the Book of Samuel, God says to Samuel after the people of Israel ask for a king: “Hearken unto... (full context)
Chapter 36: Of the WORD of GOD, and of PROPHETS
Religion Theme Icon
A prophet is someone who speaks God’s words, like Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, and Elijah. The Prophets made certain predictions as the name suggests, but they were... (full context)
Chapter 40: Of the RIGHTS of the Kingdome of God, in Abraham, Moses, the High Priests, and the Kings of Judah
Power, Common-wealths, and Monarchies Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...divine, but it was also made by covenant. When the people of Israel say to Samuel, “make us a King to judge us,” Samuel is angry, but God says: “they have... (full context)