Human Acts


Han Kang

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The Publisher Character Analysis

The publisher is Eun-sook’s boss at the publishing house. He is depicted as a somewhat cowardly man, as he lets Eun-sook take the blame—and the violence that comes with it—for working with the criminalized translator. But by the end of Eun-sook’s narrative, the publisher is working to overcome his fear, printing the plays Mr. Seo wants to produce even though he knows it will mean trouble.
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The Publisher Character Timeline in Human Acts

The timeline below shows where the character The Publisher appears in Human Acts. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: The Editor, 1985
Human Connection Theme Icon
In the present, Eun-sook is back at the office. Noticing her face, Eun-sook’s publisher offers to take her out to barbecue. Eun-sook wonders if his friendliness might be guilt—is... (full context)
Human Connection Theme Icon
Bodies and Vulnerability Theme Icon
Eun-sook declines the publisher’s offer of barbecue—she finds the sight of meat cooking revolting. But the publisher convinces her... (full context)
Bodies and Vulnerability Theme Icon
Language, Memory, and Power  Theme Icon
Now, it is six days since the slaps, and the publisher has just received an invitation to the premiere of the censored play. Eun-sook wonders how... (full context)