The 5th Wave


Rick Yancey

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The 5th Wave: Chapter 16 Summary & Analysis

On Cassie’s last day at the refugee camp, she woke at dawn on a Sunday to the sound of people moving around. A helicopter flew overhead, and people rejoiced that they’d be rescued. But the helicopter just kept going out of sight. Still, people had faith that the People in Charge would rescue them.
People look toward the helicopter with a faith that is almost religious. While Cassie’s father has a positive faith in the resilience of humanity, these other people in the camp put their faith in some distant authority to save them, showing how they have failed to accept that their old way of life is gone.
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Cassie’s dad gave her an M16 assault rifle, saying to keep it hidden. He said that if anyone at camp tried to take the rifle from her, she should come to him, and if they still tried to take it, she should shoot them. Cassie hid the M16 behind a tree.
Although the others in the camp see the helicopter as a sign that help is on the way, Cassie’s father seems to feel the opposite way as he arms her with an assault rifle. This reflects how in times of danger, even optimists may have to consider using violence.
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