The 5th Wave


Rick Yancey

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The 5th Wave: Chapter 58 Summary & Analysis

Flintstone blames Ben for Oompa’s death. Teacup is in total shock. Ben goes to find Ringer and Poundcake, who are squatting by a wall. They’ve been watching the sniper, who pops up over the wall occasionally. Surprisingly, the sniper doesn’t have the green head glow of an infected. Ringer thinks maybe the sniper has mistaken the squad for infected. Ben tells Poundcake to wait 10 minutes, then shoot covering fire at the sniper so the others can get away. Ben and Ringer go back to regroup with the others, where Flintstone is still angry.
Although the graduation ceremony celebrated the people in Ben’s squad as hardened soldiers, the reality of combat is nothing that their training could have prepared them for. The fact that the sniper is clearly shooting at them but lacks a green glow on his head suggests that the simple Camp Haven way of looking at the world, infected vs. clean, may not apply to real combat.
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