The 5th Wave


Rick Yancey

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Survival and Perseverance Theme Analysis

Themes and Colors
Trust and Belief Theme Icon
Survival and Perseverance Theme Icon
Warfare and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The 5th Wave, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Survival and Perseverance Theme Icon

The 5th Wave focuses on the few humans who survive a devastating alien invasion that kills nearly all humans. Like most post-apocalyptic novels, The 5th Wave spends some time exploring the physical ways that Cassie survives, including how she scavenges for food and fights against the elements like heavy snow. Ben (who also goes by Zombie) also faces a tough physical challenge to survive, as he nearly succumbs to a deadly illness, only to slowly bring his body back to health and then train for combat. But even as both characters physically survive, they struggle to persevere through the mental toll of living through an apocalypse and losing their old lives—including their families. Evan articulates the idea that in order to survive during an apocalypse, a person must have someone or something so important to protect that they’d die for it. For both Ben and Cassie, this turns out to be a promise each made to protect Sammy (who Ben knows as Nugget), while for Evan, that turns out to be Cassie, whom he falls in love with. In the case of all these characters, they find the will to survive themselves when they start to care about the survival of others and of things bigger than themselves. The 5th Wave shows how while survival can often seem like a difficult, lonely journey, ultimately those with the strength to persevere find it by helping others and accepting help in return.

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Survival and Perseverance ThemeTracker

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Survival and Perseverance Quotes in The 5th Wave

Below you will find the important quotes in The 5th Wave related to the theme of Survival and Perseverance.
Chapter 1 Quotes


I’m not talking about real aliens. The Others aren’t stupid. The Others are so far ahead of us, it’s like comparing the dumbest human to the smartest dog. No contest.

No, I’m talking about the aliens inside our own heads.

The ones we made up, the ones we’ve been making up since we realized those glittering lights in the sky were suns like ours and probably had planets like ours spinning around them.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker)
Page Number: 1
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Chapter 2 Quotes

Sometimes I think I might be the last human on Earth.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Sammy/Nugget, Cassie’s Dad
Page Number: 2
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Chapter 4 Quotes

I went up to him before the last of the light was gone. Not to see if he was dead.

I knew he was dead. I wanted to see what he was still holding in his bloody hand.

It was a crucifix.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Crucifix Soldier
Related Symbols: M16
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16 Quotes

“And Cassie? If someone tries to take that rifle from you, you tell them to bring it up with me. And if they still try to take it, shoot them.”

Related Characters: Cassie’s Dad (speaker), Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan, Sammy/Nugget, Crucifix Soldier, Hutchfield
Related Symbols: M16
Page Number: 75
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 24 Quotes

Because if I am the last one, then I am humanity.

And if this is humanity’s last war, then I am the battlefield.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker)
Page Number: 101
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Chapter 25 Quotes

I’m dying. I know that. Seventeen years old and the party’s over.

Short party.

Related Characters: Ben Parish/Zombie (speaker), Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan, Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan
Page Number: 105
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 36 Quotes

“You want to compare yourself to an insect, Cassie? If you’re an insect, then you’re a mayfly. Here for a day and then gone. That doesn’t have anything to do with the Others. It’s always been that way. We’re here, and then we’re gone, and it’s not about the time we’re here, but what we do with the time.”

Related Characters: Evan Walker/the Silencer (speaker), Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan
Page Number: 178
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

Zombie was born on the morning I left the convalescent ward. Traded in my flimsy gown for a blue jumpsuit. Assigned a bunk in Barracks 10. Whipped back into shape by three squares a day and brutal physical training, but most of all by Reznik, the regiment’s senior drill instructor, the man who smashed Ben Parish into a million pieces, then reconstructed him into the merciless zombie killing machine that he is today.

Related Characters: Ben Parish/Zombie (speaker), Reznik
Page Number: 213
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 50 Quotes

“It’s about connection,” she says. She motions for me to sit down. She sits in front of me, takes my hands.

Related Characters: Ben Parish/Zombie (speaker), Ringer (speaker), Reznik, Poundcake
Related Symbols: M16
Page Number: 251
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 55 Quotes

“I had it all wrong,” he says. “Before I found you, I thought the only way to hold on was to find something to live for. It isn’t. To hold on, you have to find something you’re willing to die for.”

Related Characters: Evan Walker/the Silencer (speaker), Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan, Sammy/Nugget
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 60 Quotes

“Ben, we’re the 5th Wave.”

Related Characters: Ringer (speaker), Ben Parish/Zombie
Page Number: 308
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Chapter 66 Quotes

“You know we’re not coming back,” he says, and lights the match.

Related Characters: Evan Walker/the Silencer (speaker), Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan, Ben Parish/Zombie, Sammy/Nugget
Page Number: 337
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 69 Quotes

“I don’t want to be a shark,” I whisper.

He looks at me for a long, uncomfortable moment. He could have said, Shark? Who? What? Huh? Who said you were a shark? Instead, he begins to nod, like he totally gets it. “You aren’t.”

You, not we. I give his long look back to him.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Evan Walker/the Silencer (speaker), Ben Parish/Zombie, Ringer
Page Number: 356
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 79 Quotes

You’re soft. You should have killed him. You can’t rely on luck and wishful thinking. The future of humanity belongs to the hardcore.

Related Characters: Ben Parish/Zombie (speaker), Sammy/Nugget, Reznik
Page Number: 402
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 80 Quotes

“I, um, I thought you might want this back.”

I pull out the battered old teddy bear and hold it toward him. He frowns and shakes his head and doesn’t reach for it, and I feel like he’s punched me in the gut.

Then my baby brother slaps that damned bear out of my hand and crushes his face against my chest, and beneath the odors of sweat and strong soap I can smell it, his smell, Sammy’s, my brother’s.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Sammy/Nugget (speaker)
Related Symbols: Teddy Bear
Page Number: 413
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 87 Quotes

That’s the flaw in Vosch’s master plan: If you don’t kill all of us all at once, those who remain will not be the weak.

It’s the strong who remain, the bent but unbroken, like the iron rods that used to give this concrete its strength.

Floods, fires, earthquakes, disease, starvation, betrayal, isolation, murder.

What doesn’t kill us sharpens us. Hardens us. Schools us.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vosch, Reznik
Page Number: 446
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 90 Quotes

And then, instead of jumping onto the Humvee like a normal person, Ben Parish turns and races back for me.

I wave him back. No time, no time, no time no time no time no time.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Ben Parish/Zombie, Sammy/Nugget, Reznik, Ringer
Page Number: 452
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 91 Quotes

I’m shaking. He must notice, because he puts his arm around me and we sit like that for a while, my arms around Sammy, Ben’s arm around me, and together the three of us watch the sun break over the horizon, obliterating the dark in a burst of golden light.

Related Characters: Cassiopeia “Cassie” Sullivan (speaker), Ben Parish/Zombie, Sammy/Nugget
Page Number: 457
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