The 5th Wave


Rick Yancey

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The 5th Wave: Chapter 26 Summary & Analysis

Zombie ends up at a quarantined hospital floor in Wright-Patterson—the base was not actually destroyed. A woman named Dr. Pam tells Zombie that he has a one in 10 chance of survival. Zombie sometimes loses track of whether he’s in the past or present, and he thinks often of his mom, his dad, and Sissy.
Once again, Zombie is very aware of his own mortality. The fact that at this moment, when he is on the verge of potentially dying, Zombie thinks about his parents and his sister shows how family is the most important thing to him.
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After about a week, Zombie has started to recover. He gets moved to a new ward. Dr. Pam says they’re going to need him—for the current war going on.
Zombie’s almost miraculous recovery speaks to humanity’s resilience. Still, he isn’t safe yet: he’s going to become a fighter in this “war.”
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