The 5th Wave


Rick Yancey

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The 5th Wave: Chapter 68 Summary & Analysis

Cassie demands for Evan to reveal his true identity. She isn’t even sure now if he’s human. She thinks he must be the one who shot at her earlier. Realizing Evan is bleeding heavily after being shot, she puts down the rifle and helps him get his clothes off.
Although Cassie remains suspicious of Evan, her compassion for him in his injured state overrides her suspicions. This shows how a part of her can’t help both helping other people and being drawn toward Evan, no matter what secrets he might hold.
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Evan reassures Cassie that he’s human. He does, however, admit to shooting her in the leg and also shooting the three people he saw by the interstate. Cassie considers leaving Evan to bleed, like he did with her. Evan said he only shot at those three people and her because he was afraid. Cassie tries to ask more questions, but Evan passes out.
Evan’s admission to Cassie that he shot her and the family by the highway is an admission of the bad things that he is capable of. In this context, Evan’s eagerness to heal Cassie seems to be his form of repentance, both for what he did to her and for what he’s apparently done to other humans before her.
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