Demon Copperhead


Barbara Kingsolver

Community and Belonging Theme Analysis

Themes and Colors
Exploitation Theme Icon
Class, Social Hierarchy, and Stereotypes Theme Icon
Pain and Addiction Theme Icon
Toxic Masculinity Theme Icon
Community and Belonging Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Demon Copperhead, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Community and Belonging Theme Icon

Throughout the novel, Demon struggles to find a sense of community and belonging. After Demon’s mom dies, he feels isolated and abandoned. As he is shuffled from foster home to foster home, he tries to find belonging with Fast Forward, Tommy, and Swap-Out, other boys who live in one of his foster homes. Later, when Demon goes to live with Coach and Angus, he searches for belonging on the football field. When the Peggots ask Demon to sit in the family section during Mr. Peggot’s funeral, Demon feels “like somebody of worth,” and this speaks to the strength and power that comes with having a community one can turn to in times of struggle. Demon thrives when he has a loving and supportive community, but his efforts to find belonging are repeatedly complicated by the fact that he often looks for community with people who might not have his best interests at heart or may not be able to adequately care for him. Fast Forward, for example, makes Demon feel special and cared for, but his involvement with drugs ultimately harms Demon and the people Demon cares about. And while Demon and Dori seem to be genuinely in love, their relationship fuels both of their addictions, and Demon goes through some of the darkest moments in his life when they are together.

Each time Demon sees a glimmer of hope in the novel, that hope comes in the form of community and belonging. With that in mind, it is not surprising that when Demon reaches his lowest point—after Dori, Hammer, and Fast Forward have all died—salvation comes from his extended community. June, a member of Demon’s surrogate family, the Peggots, steps in to offer him a way out of addiction by helping to pay for his rehab. Through her influence (and financial support), Demon goes to rehab, gets sober, and finally has all the tools he needs to work toward a brighter future. The novel argues, then, that while Demon repeatedly attempts to escape the trauma and suffering of his past to find a better future, he can’t accomplish this alone. Instead, he experiences the most happiness and has the best chance at success when he is surrounded by strong communities of people who give him the love and support he needs to reach his personal goals. 

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Community and Belonging Quotes in Demon Copperhead

Below you will find the important quotes in Demon Copperhead related to the theme of Community and Belonging.
Chapter 1 Quotes

If a mother is lying in her own piss and pill bottles while they’re slapping the kid she’s shunted out, telling him to look alive: likely the bastard is doomed. Kid born to the junkie is a junkie […]. Anybody will tell you the born of this world are marked from the get-out, win or lose.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Demon’s Mom
Page Number: 2
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Chapter 2 Quotes

A kid is a terrible thing to be, in charge of nothing. If you get past that and grown, it’s easiest to forget about the misery and pretend you knew all along what you were doing. Assuming you’ve ended up someplace you’re proud to be. And if not, easier to forget the whole thing, period. So this is going to be option three, not proud, not forgetting. Not easy.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker)
Page Number: 7
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Chapter 4 Quotes

For whatever reason Emmy said okay, let’s do it. I had to hold her hand. She kept her eyes closed.

It was true about Aunt June keeping track. Which was not true of my mom in any way, shape, or form. So that was me promising Emmy that life is to be trusted. I knew better. I should have let her go with her gut: Never get back on the horse, because it’s going to throw you every damn chance it gets. Then maybe she’d have been wise to the shit that came for her later on, and maybe it would have turned out better.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Maggot, Emmy, Aunt June
Page Number: 28
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Chapter 6 Quotes

Nobody believed a word out of this girl’s mouth at the time of her need. And today, her side of the story stands as gospel. The world turns […]. How all this fits with the story of me, hard to say.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Maggot, Mariah Peggot, Romeo Blevins
Page Number: 42
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Chapter 9 Quotes

Other people made up hillbilly to use on us, for the purpose of being assholes. But they gave us a superpower on accident […]. Saying that word back at people proves they can’t ever be us, or get us, and we are untouchable by their shit.

The world is not at all short on this type of thing, it turns out. All down the years, words have been flung like pieces of shit, only to get stuck on a truck bumper with up-yours pride. Rednecks, moonshiners, ridge runners, hicks. Deplorables.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker)
Page Number: 69
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Chapter 10 Quotes

A ten-year-old getting high on pills. Foolish children. This is what we’re meant to say: Look at their choices, leading to a life of ruin. But lives are getting lived right now, this hour, down in the dirty cracks between the toothbrushued nighty-nights and the full grocery carts, where those words don’t pertain. Children, choices. Ruin, that was the labor and materials we were given to work with. An older boy that never knew safety himself, trying to make us feel safe. We had the moon in the window to smile on us for a minute and tell us the world was ours. Because all the adults had gone off somewhere and left everything in our hands.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Demon’s Mom , Fast Forward, Dori, Tommy Waddell, Mr. Crickson, Swap-Out
Page Number: 77
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Chapter 11 Quotes

She asked me about Creaky Farm, and I told her. The old man was brutal to Tommy, and Swap-Out should be in some other kind of situation […]. Had Crickson ever hit me, she asked. Answer: no. I myself had not been struck. And that was that. Miss Barks was sorry, but Tommy and Swap-Out weren’t on her. Usually all kids in a home are from one foster company, but Crickson was an emergency-type place, and Tommy and Swap-Out belonged to a different foster company that Miss Bark didn’t work with. So fostering was done by companies, and we, as Stoner would say, were Product. Rotating and merchandising foster boys at more than fifty customer accounts. Live and learn.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Tommy Waddell, Miss Barks, Mr. Crickson, Swap-Out
Related Symbols: Opioid Painkillers
Page Number: 78
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Chapter 16 Quotes

Mom was the unknown soldier. Walmart would have a new stock girl in time for the Christmas shoppers […]. Our trailer home would be thoroughly Cloroxed and every carpet torn out, so the Peggots could rent it to one of Aunt June’s high school friends that got left flat by both her kids’ daddies […]. Wanting a fresh start for this girl and her little family, I’m sure they scrubbed the place clean of old stains, including the two pencil lines on the kitchen wall that proved I once stood taller by a hair than my mom. Her life left no marks on a thing.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Demon’s Mom , Aunt June
Page Number: 109
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

Mr. McCobb was big on idea for making that little bit extra to turn things around, and had tried most of them: selling Amway, breeding AKC pups with fake papers, human advertisement, sperm donor, etc. Plus buying lotto tickets, obviously. His newest idea was taking in a foster. If I went okay, they might take in two, for twice the cash. It didn’t hurt my feelings. Creaky made no bones about wanting that five hundred a month per head. I knew the score.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Dr. Watts, Mr. Crickson, Mr. McCobb
Page Number: 140
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Chapter 25 Quotes

He said his parents, sisters, and all their dump friends were so-called no-toucher people. Meaning if they touched food or anything at all, it was like, doomed. Regular people would have none of it. Same for bodies, no shaking hands. If he let his shadow touch a high-class person, they’d call the cops to come beat the hell out of him. He said a name for this kind of people that sounded like “dolly”[…]. He said he never would get used to how nice Americans are to each other […]. But if we had a word for that kind of person in America, it would get used.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Betsy Woodall, Mr. Ghali
Page Number: 187
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Chapter 32 Quotes

I told Angus my mom being dead wasn’t something I pinned exactly on my birthday. “It’s more like this bag of gravel I’m hauling around every day of the year. If somebody else brings it up, honestly, I’m glad of it. Like just for a minute they can help me drag the gravel.”

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Demon’s Mom , Angus
Page Number: 246
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Chapter 41 Quotes

Where does the road to ruin start? That’s the point of getting all this down, I’m told. To get a handle on some choice you made. Or was made for you. By the bullies that curdled your heart’s milk and honey, or the ones before that curdled theirs. Hell, let’s blame the coal guys, or whoever wrote the book of Lee County commandments. Thou shalt forsake all things you might love or study on, books, numbers, a boy’s life made livable in pictures he drew. Leave these ye redneck faithful, to chase the one star left shining on this place: manly bloodthirst. The smell of mauled sod and sweat and pent-up lust and popcorn. The Friday-night lights.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Stoner (speaker), Fast Forward (speaker), Hammerhead Kelly (speaker)
Page Number: 332
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

The next surprise won’t leave my brain. The kit she took out of her purse. The spoon she used first, to scrape the patch. The lighter she held underneath. The cotton ball, the syringe, pulling the cap off the needle and holding it in her mouth like a nurse giving booster shots. I don’t know what I said but she could tell I was scared, and she was sweet with me, the same voice she used with Jip. She’d been saving this, because the first time you do it with somebody, they say it’s the best you’ll ever feel in your life. Like having Jesus in your blood.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Dori
Page Number: 351
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 48 Quotes

If you’ve not known the dragon we’re chasing, words may not help. People talk of getting high, this blast you get, not so much what you feel as what you don’t: the sadness and dread in your gut, all the people that have judged you useless. The pain of an exploded leg. This tether that’s meant to attach you to something all your life, be it home or parents or safety, has been flailing around unfastened all this time, tearing at your brain’s roots, whipping around so hard it might take out an eye. All at once, that tether goes still on the floor and you’re at rest.

You start trying to get back there, and pretty soon, you’re just trying to get out of bed.

It becomes your job, staving off the dopesickness for another day. Then it becomes your God. No one ever wanted to join that church.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Dori
Related Symbols: Opioid Painkillers
Page Number: 408
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 49 Quotes

I tried to explain the whole human-being aspect of everybody needing to dump on somebody. Stepdad smacks mom, mom yells at the kid, kid finds the dog and kicks it. (Not that we had one. I wrecked some havoc on my Transformers though.) We’re the dog of America. Every make of person now has their proper nouns, except for some reason, us. Hicks, rednecks, not capitalized.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Demon’s Mom , Tommy Waddell
Page Number: 417
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Chapter 59 Quotes

“It’s not natural for boys to lose their minds,” she said. “It happens because they’ve had too many things taken away from them.”

I asked her like what. She got up and walked around the room, upset. No decent schooling, she said. No chance to get good at anything that uses our talents. No future. They took all that away and supplied us with the tools for cooking our brains, hoping we’d kill each other before realizing the real assholes are a thousand miles from here […].

She sat down on the bed again. “The question you have to answer now is, What are you willing to do for yourself? And I won’t lie, it’s going to be harder than anything you’ve done before.”

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Aunt June (speaker), Maggot, Fast Forward, Hammerhead Kelly
Page Number: 499
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Chapter 64 Quotes

The trip itself, just getting there, possibly the best part of my life so far.

That’s where we are. Well past the Christiansburg exit. Past Richmond, and still pointed east. Headed for the one big thing I know is not going to swallow me alive.

Related Characters: Demon Copperhead (speaker), Angus
Related Symbols: The Ocean
Page Number: 546
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