Borderlands / La Frontera


Gloria Anzaldúa

The title of the poem “El sonavabitche” refers to the farmer, who threatens and exploits his undocumented farmworkers—only to call immigration on them on payday, getting them deported instead of paying them. His behavior demonstrates that, just like when Anglos took Anzaldúa’s family land during the U.S. invasion of Texas, the U.S. agriculture industry still depends for its profits on exploiting Latina and Latino workers.
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Farmer (“El sonavabitche”) Character Timeline in Borderlands / La Frontera

The timeline below shows where the character Farmer (“El sonavabitche”) appears in Borderlands / La Frontera. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2, Section 2: La pérdida
History and the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon
...Rio Grande Valley, tells the narrator of “El sonavabitche” that the men are undocumented and the brutal farm owner makes them work as much as 15 hours a day and threatened to withhold their... (full context)
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
History and the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon
The narrator of “El sonavabitche” walks inside and greets the farmer , who apologizes for how “immigration / is getting so tough.” The narrator demands the... (full context)