Borderlands / La Frontera


Gloria Anzaldúa

Mestiza Consciousness Term Analysis

Mestiza consciousness” is Anzaldúa’s term for a special kind of positive, dialectical perspective on difference that she proposes as an alternative to borders, prejudice, and inequality. Specifically, where most people see a conflict or contradiction between two identities—such as Anglo and Chicano, queer and straight, male and female, English and Spanish, or citizen and immigrant—mestiza consciousness instead sees a temporary opposition that society can overcome and identifies paths for resolving it. Anzaldúa believes that mestiza consciousness can help a society understand its history and embrace people from a variety of cultures. She also argues that queer and Chicana/o people are uniquely positioned to develop and spread this kind of consciousness because they are used to mixing cultures and crossing borders.

Mestiza Consciousness Quotes in Borderlands / La Frontera

The Borderlands / La Frontera quotes below are all either spoken by Mestiza Consciousness or refer to Mestiza Consciousness. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
Part 1, Section 7: La conciencia de la mestiza / Towards a New Consciousness Quotes

Because the future depends on the breaking down of paradigms, it depends on the straddling of two or more cultures. By creating a new mythos—that is, a change in the way we perceive reality, the way we see ourselves, and the ways we behave—la mestiza creates a new consciousness.

The work of mestiza consciousness is to break down the subject-object duality that keeps her a prisoner and to show in the flesh and through the images in her work how duality is transcended. The answer to the problem between the white race and the colored, between males and females, lies in healing the split that originates in the very foundation of our lives, our culture, our languages, our thoughts. A massive uprooting of dualistic thinking […] is the beginning of a long struggle […] that could […] bring us to the end of rape, of violence, of war.

Related Characters: Gloria Anzaldúa (speaker)
Page Number: 149
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mestiza Consciousness Term Timeline in Borderlands / La Frontera

The timeline below shows where the term Mestiza Consciousness appears in Borderlands / La Frontera. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Section 7: La conciencia de la mestiza / Towards a New Consciousness
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
History and the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Theme Icon
...racial border-crossing. This vision requires a new mindset, which Anzaldúa variously describes as “a new mestiza consciousness ,” a women’s consciousness, and “a consciousness of the Borderlands.” (full context)
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
A Tolerance for Ambiguity. Mestiza consciousness is—above all—flexible, resistant to rigid concepts, and capable of switching between different habits of thought.... (full context)